Auction Highlights #61
ComicLink’s January Focused Auction. This is my first Auction Highlight of 2012 and I think it’s a good time to try to take stock of the market, to see where some of the most heavily traded “blue chip” comic books…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
ComicLink’s January Focused Auction. This is my first Auction Highlight of 2012 and I think it’s a good time to try to take stock of the market, to see where some of the most heavily traded “blue chip” comic books…
Would you be shocked if I told you this collection has experienced a devastating loss in market value over the last two years? In late 2009 a collection of key Bronze Age titles (list below) would have been worth approximately $65,000. Using the latest auction data, this collection would be worth around $36,000 today. A stunning 45% drop.
Last week the second issue of Wolverine and the X-Men hit shelves. With a lackluster first issue behind it, I’m left to wonder how Aaron and Bachalo can recover. Let’s take a look at issue two of Wolverine and the X-Men.
ComicLink October 2011 Focused Auction The ComicLink Focused Auction has just ended. OK I thought September’s ComicLink Auction was Marvel heavy but boy this was even worse! There was only 1 DC in the top 75 and that of course…
This week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija talk about Hulk vs Dracula, all the new superhero DVD’s hitting the stores, the Wolverine Gold Team, a Walking Dead talk show, DC’s New 52, the top 10 reasons comic…
With Schism winding down, ironically with the end of mutantkind's unity in tow, Marvel has been slowly revealing the members of the 21st century versions of the X-Men blue and gold teams.
Marvel announced a new title at their X-Men panel at Fan Expo on Aug. 27. A hush overwhelmed the crowd as Arune Singh, Marvel’s director of communications, asked that the room’s lights be dimmed, directing the crowd’s attention to the…
Fan Expo in Toronto this Friday afternoon was the place for Marvel Comic’s hints and teasers, as the Marvel: Fear Itself panel dropped talked superheroes and what fans can expect in the coming months from Fear Itself and upcoming spin-off…
I am on vacation this week, so here is a disturbing picture of Wolverine at the beach for you to enjoy.
After travelling into the AoA dimension along with Dark Beast to recover the Life Seed, the team is left stranded when Dark Beast leaves once the dimension's mutants destroy the Seed. It being the only thing that can save Warren, X-Force is left scrambling for both a way home and solution to save their friend. The remaining mutants in the world take X-Force to Atlantis where they meet the leaders of Mutantkind: an aged Magneto and Jean Grey.
Courtesy of Travis Charest’s blog comes this stunning piece of a World War II era Wolverine. Charest notes “I’ve still got a long way to go but here’s another look at something in the hopper…”. Few artists are as wonderful…
In honour of Canada Day, I decided to choose 5 Canadian Superheroes. #5 Scott Pilgrim This bass playing, video-gaming, vanquisher of evil exes lives in Toronto. He had to fight 7 evil exes of the woman he loves, Ramona Flowers.…
Every week Comic Book Daily asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers; we’ll be doing this for 52 weeks. Tip of the hat goes to the gang at Scans Daily for the inspiration. This week’s…
Day three of the Wizard World Comic Con came and went, but it wasn’t nearly as bustling as it had been on Saturday. Being that it was much easier to get around the convention floor today, there was less of…
Writer: Daniel Way Penciler: Jason Pearson Inker: Karl Story Colourist: Sonia Oback Letterer: Cory Petit Cover: Jason Pearson; Michael Kaluta and Dave Stewart (variant) Publisher: Marvel Comics Iiiiiiiiiit’s baaaaaaaaack…again. Yes ladies and gentlemen, the series you’ve long forgotten is…
Writer: Rick Remender Pencils: Esad Ribic Inks: John Lucas Colours: Matt Wilson Letters: Cory Petit Cover: Esad Ribic Publisher: Marvel Comics Five issues into the latest incarnation of X-Force, Remender’s run has taken a very early twist. Whether it’s for better or…
Whosoever Holds This Hammer appears every Tuesday (more or less) exclusively on Comic Book Daily. It will be no surprise to anyone when I say that Wolverine and Spider-Man are among the most popular comic book characters every created. Their…
Good Work on the lunchboxes Scott. I prefer the Wonder Woman lunchbox myself. Welcome to the second installment of Pick Five, where one of our writers picks five of whatever comic related “fill in the blank” that tickles their fancy.…
Wherein Pete discusses numerous subjects that enter his mind. Including Mark Bagley's return to Marvel, Jason Aaron, Bendis and Geoff Johns, Zot and 20th Century boys. Oh and Daredevil.. lots of Daredevil.
Writers: Matt Fraction and Kieron Gillen Pencils: Greg Land Inks: Jay Leisten Colours: Justin Ponsor Letters: Joe Caramagna Cover: Greg Land and Justin Ponsor Publisher: Marvel Comics With the mutant flu ravaging Utopia, can Cyclops and the rest of the…