Steel City Supermen
As a kid who grew up in the North End of Hamilton in the 60s, the transformation of Hamilton from the ambitious Steel City to a flourishing Arts City that has accelerated since the turn of the century has been…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
As a kid who grew up in the North End of Hamilton in the 60s, the transformation of Hamilton from the ambitious Steel City to a flourishing Arts City that has accelerated since the turn of the century has been…
We’re just into the last quarter of our 80th Anniversary year of the first Canadian comic book. In the Spring, Sequential Magazine came up with a special oversized issue looking at Canadian comics and in June we pulled off our…
We’ve just gone over the hump of a year that’s so far been slowly improving. I hope that the light will continue to grow as we head into Labour Day, Thanksgiving, and the Christmas holidays. I remind you again that…
World’s Finest #34, DC Comics, May/June 1948. It was nice seeing one of my comic pals Warren up at the shop this past weekend. The man always has a positive outlook on things which is very refreshing. Warren asked when…
House of Mystery #206, DC Comics, September 1972. Artist: Tony DeZuniga. Psychiatrist’s office – “Mr. Durajlija you seem to have an obsession with Scarecrows, tell me about your childhood on the farm”… Tony DeZuniga draws a mean scarecrow on the…
Detective Comics #184, DC Comics, June 1952. Artist: Win Mortimer. Revisiting some popular past Covered 365 themes with today’s books. First lets see what lies at the end of the Rainbow, how about a great Win Mortimer Detective #184 delivering…
Detective Comics, DC, February 1952. Artist: Win Mortimer. Win Mortimer adds another cover to his impressive list with a cool Joker scene on Detective Comics #180. I really like the aesthetics and simplicity of Four Color #180, sadly I’ve always…
Detective Comics #164, DC, October 1950 – Artist: Win Mortimer. Finally a runaway winner. With Detective Comics #164 Win Mortimer whips up a classic Batman and Robin cover that’s seen renewed demand in this cover crazy market. I’m telling you…
Action Comics #154, DC Comics, March 1951 – Artist: Win Mortimer. A quick glance at the cover of Action Comics #154 fills your head with impure thoughts but when you have a second look trying to spot the indiscretions they’re…
Adventure Comics #140, DC Comics, May 1949 – Artist: Win Mortimer. I wasn’t sure if Adventure Comics #140 was going to get the JOWA or the headline but in the end I decided I really like this cover, the deep…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly at the ComicLink Summer Featured Auction.
Saturday will be the first comic-themed con held in Hamilton in many a year. I hope we can make it a success and then an annual event that can be expanded to the whole weekend. My small contribution will be moderating a panel on Hamilton’s connection with comics and...