Lining my ducks up
At the forefront of my excitement in comics today is the birth of my very own website. I’ve put together a ‘stage’ to exhibit my artwork on and to help me continue the journey towards being an independent creator. I’ll…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
At the forefront of my excitement in comics today is the birth of my very own website. I’ve put together a ‘stage’ to exhibit my artwork on and to help me continue the journey towards being an independent creator. I’ll…
Sebediah Aziza Racer See Page 1 Kalila Corliss Navigator See Page 2 See Page 9 GR107 Press Release As is common knowledge among GR fans all over the globe, the first race in the opening phase of GR107 will be…
Dr. Felisberta Blaise Doctor See Page 4 Leona Dureau Apprentice See Page 5 Kalei Carina AKA: “Lucky Seven” Apprentice – Masquerader See GR107 Draft Day Apprentice: Dureau – Celerity – Diary Entry #1 Day zero. Just one more sleep…
Beau Barbarossa Mechanic See Page 3 Avalon Cosette Pilot-Captain See Page 6 “Celerity’s committee leaders wear big smiles at celeb party while their ‘ex-criminal’ racer and ‘urban-pirate’ mechanic binge on free alcohol hours before launch.” By DAILY CIRCUS REPORTER –…
Sebediah Aziza Racer See Page 1 Kalila Corliss Navigator See Page 2 PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS in the GRA Introduction: 1.1 The GRA recognises that, as race-crew members spend the majority of their training in each other’s company, a close personal relationship…
Sebediah Aziza Racer See Page 1 Every five years on the night before lights-out, all new and existing race-crew members must attend the extremely high profile and prestigious Grand Race Academy Prom. In addition to a flock of hand-picked, political and…
And now it’s time for a trip down the rabbit hole, over the rainbow and through the wardrobe. At least, if you happen to be named Alice, Dorothy or Peter. In that case, you may be a namesake. Namesake by Isabelle Melançon and Megan…
I enjoy a lot of web comics but find since buying an iPad I like to read them there in my hand as opposed to my computer monitor. That works out when I have wireless internet access handy but when…
GR107 There are 3 Phases in a grand race – Earth, Ocean and Sky. Each Phase comprises of 3 Stages races. Points are awarded to the first 8 positions in the stage AND the first 8 positions in the transfer.…
Avalon Cosette AKA Sir, Avi Apprentice/Pilot-Captain Avalon As a boy’s name is pronounced AV-a-lon and is of Celtic origin. The meaning of Avalon is “island of apples”. In celtic mythology, Avalon is an island paradise and In arthurian legend, it’s…
Leona Dureau AKA Penelope Pitstop, Penny, Pitstop or Pit-Stains due to her nervous nature. Apprentice Leona Of German origin. The meaning of Leona is ‘Brave as a Lioness’. Dureau As a boy’s name is pronounced “dur-ROW” and is of French…
Beau Barbarossa AKA Red, as her blonde hair is naturally ginger. However, Beau claims the nickname comes from her emotional attachment to Italian sports cars. Mechanic Beau As a boy’s name (also used as girl’s name) pronounced boh and is…
Back by popular demand, Comic Book Daily asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers. Tip of the hat goes to Scott VanderPloeg for this week’s question.
Do you buy material you've already read or own when it's released in a new format? Examples would be Absolute editions, printed web comic collections and the like. Why or why not?
Every week Comic Book Daily asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers; we’ll be doing this for 52 weeks. Tip of the hat goes to the gang at Scans Daily for the inspiration and Scott…
Ok, I’ll admit it: I kinda-sorta-really-really want to be a cowgirl. With amazingly sexy Western-themed entertainment like Red Dead Redemption and Jonah Hex exploding all over the entertainment scene recently, who doesn’t crave the thrill of an adventure circa Deadwood,…
The newest webcomic to join to the Comic Book Daily family is Dressed For Success. Written and Drawn by Egesta Comics‘ Chris Howard and Jeff Wasson. We’ll be updating Tuesday and Thursday until we catch up with their current run.…