Tag Walter Durajlija

Drug Testing

This week Chris tries once more to… Stump the Chump. How will Walt fare this time? Considering his perfect score the last time maybe we should call this episode… Stump the Champ! Please let us know what you thought of…

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Peak Kirby

Last week I tackled this huge pile of 12-cent Fantastic Four comics destined for our weekly eBay auction. I had fun seeing all those great Jack Kirby covers. I got to thinking about Kirby and how ridiculous his body of…

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When the missus and I were dating way back when she mentioned she liked Vivaldi so I went out and bought her a Vivaldi Four Seasons CD. She thanked me and then mentioned she didn’t have a CD player… Anyway,…

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Cover Me

I’ve been thinking a lot about comic book covers lately. I’ve been trying to figure out, in some measurable way, what makes a comic book cover work, what makes it sought after as a collectible. As most cover connoisseurs know…

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It’s Alive!

I was going through this week’s “heading to eBay auction” pile and was having fun looking through stacks of Jiggs and Maggie, Nancy and Sluggy, Black Hood, Steel Sterling and other cool and obscure characters of yesterday. It dawned on…

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It’s early days in 2023 and I’m already trying to get a sense if there are any patterns developing. The harder I look the less I see, in other words, the more data I get the more it becomes obvious…

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