Year’s End
Happy New Year everyone, I hope 2025 brings everyone health and happiness, and huge stacks of great old comics. We saw the majority of the market continue its value slide, as we’ve said many times, it is a correction from…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Happy New Year everyone, I hope 2025 brings everyone health and happiness, and huge stacks of great old comics. We saw the majority of the market continue its value slide, as we’ve said many times, it is a correction from…
Merry Christmas to those celebrating on the 25th, and Happy Holidays to all. I hope Santa is good to everyone, and I hope we’re all good to each other. My Santa came by the warehouse early this year. Jolly old…
Christmas shopping? I haven’t even started. I like working under pressure so I’ll start the grind this Friday the 20th. That whole weekend will be a zoo wherever I go but honestly, that’s where the fun is, everyone will be…
Has anybody noticed the incredible amount of great comics that have been offered for sale on the big auction houses these past few months? This is only a personal perspective and feel, I don’t have the graphs to prove it…
December already? Time really does fly by, this year was a blur. As quickly as the last 11 months sped by December will be a blink, this is the month of office parties, friends gatherings, family gatherings, sorties to the…
The weather is turning in Southern Ontario and I don’t like it, it gets dark around 4:45 PM and it gets cold around 24 This happens every year and I’ve yet to learn how to brace myself properly, how to…
We’ve been so busy with our eBay auctions lately, our consignment base is growing as is the need to put up more lots per week. I’m finding the lot mix is improving too so lets try to keep this things…
That final sweep over with the wide broom felt good, I liked leaving the place as nice as I found it. What I’m not going to show you is the areas we’ve had to cram tight with the stuff that…
My landlord is a heck of a nice guy, he gave me five extra days to finish up the move out of the warehouse. I appreciate the gesture but in hindsight I wish he never gave me those extra days.…
It’s always a relief when a big eBay featured auction ends, a lot of work goes into these things and seeing some great results come through makes it all worth while. Canadiana collectibles are still niche enough that you’ll have…
Our Canadiana auction is locked, loaded and live, click here to see all the goodness. I believe this is our 5th Canadiana eBay auction and I also believe we’ve never had the depth of WECA (Canadian Whites) and FECA books…
Lets all stay calm, there’s plenty of time left to make this thing happen without anybody pulling a muscle or getting their feelings hurt. That small room I was loading up is almost plugged, I’ve crammed in 16 towers, around…
Big news on the warehouse front. Last week I signed a lease for one more year at our warehouse location, so same warehouse location without the actual warehouse. What we get to keep are the two big upstairs offices and…
Things are busy, ICE consignments are streaming in nicely, the warehouse move is inching forward, even if not so nicely, at Big B Comics on Upper James in Hamilton we’re rolling out our “Give Comics Not Cavities” packs for Halloween…
I’m a summer guy, love the heat, but this year I’ve decided to embrace Fall, I’ll enjoy the changing colors of the leaves then revel at them falling off the trees during those cold rainy November days, then I’ll absolutely…
I’m not sure if this is a good sign or a bad one but lately I’ve been getting outbid on my poverty bids on sites like Heritage and ComicLink, back in February and March I was winning those poverty bids.…
I thought only rock stars set up in front of sold out venues, in different towns, weekend after weekend, turns out I was wrong. I have a pal that just called me to report that he did great at the…
Back to school? I don’t know about you but I feel like I’ve been schooled steady for the past 18 months, this collectibles comic market has been teaching me lessons nonstop, and might I add some of these lessons have…
I should have went to Fan Expo, I told myself I’d go but somehow weaseled out at the last minute. I hope everyone that went enjoyed the show, Chris Owen went Friday, said the show was packed with people, said…
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer, Southern Ontario has been rainy but hot, I myself like the heat but I can do with about half the rain. I have a strong team of bees working the lavender patch just…