Tag Walter Durajlija


It’s February in Canada and that means it’s really cold: luckily I’ve had some hot and heavy books come through to take the edge off. It was only a couple of weeks ago I got to handle a coverless copy…

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This week Chris and Walt talk Christmas and comics and how they get along. The boys explore their Christmas traditions related to comic books. Please let us know what you thought of the show in the comments field below, and…

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Team Work

This week Chris and Walt talk about teams, what makes a good comic book team, why do some teams work and other teams not? The boys explore the world of comic book teams. Please let us know what you thought…

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Econ 101

I was talking comics with a pal last week and we were both marvelling at what seems to be the endless demand generating record prices for items we both thought were forever doomed because of their bottomless supply. Books like…

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