Tag Uncanny X-Men

Avengers vs. X-Men #5

In the fifth installment of Avengers vs. X-Men, the highly anticipated mini-series featuring Marvel's mutants and resident team of Avengers, the pace definitively picks up as tensions come to a head between the two teams vying for their personal stakes in Hope's destiny. However, despite an epic-scoped story, the collective of Marvel architects fail to capitalize on the story's potential with a lackluster fifth outing which explodes the X-Men mythos with a barrage of head scratching developments.

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Uncanny X-Men #2

With the X-Men split into two camps, Cyclops and Wolverine lead two very different teams of X-Men headquartered in San Francisco and Westchester respectively. While Wolverine reopened the school in Westchester, Cyclops remained on Utopia with mutantkind's established figures to continue their fight for survival in a world that hates and fears them.

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Uncanny X-Men #544

In the wake of Schism, everything has changed for the X-Men. To emphasize that change, Marvel decided to end the long-running X-title, Uncanny X-Men, as of issue 544. With this final issue one door closes on the X-Men's pasts, while another door opens towards their future.

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Uncanny X-Men #539

Hope is a special young lady. Saddled with a destiny that will either save the world or destroy it, depending on who you ask anyway, she indirectly leads a team of the first new mutants since M-Day stripped mutantkind of their numbers. Continually a target, Hope has found some refuge on the island of Utopia with the rest of the X-Men.

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