Web Arted #343
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Mignola, Moore, Parsons, Murphy, Garcia-Lopez, Giordano, Maroto.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Mignola, Moore, Parsons, Murphy, Garcia-Lopez, Giordano, Maroto.
52 weeks. 52 different writers. 2 trade paperbacks or hardcovers a week. Each week I’ll take a look at a different writer and read two different collected editions from within that person’s repertoire to help in the examination of their…
52 weeks. 52 different writers. 2 trade paperbacks or hardcovers a week. Each week I’ll take a look at a different writer and read two different collected editions from within that person’s repertoire to help in the examination of their…
Fan Expo Vancouver rolled into town on April 18 to 20. This was the third edition of Fan Expo in Vancouver and it was another big success. This year's Expo was expanded to three days instead of two, and it was a little unusual to fall on the Easter holiday weekend. Like the upcoming 2014 Fan Expo in Toronto, this year's Fan Expo Vancouver was scheduled on a holiday long weekend, and this may have prevented some folks from attending. On the bright side, the organizers seemed to have solved the long line-ups problem from last year, as this year's wait lines didn't seem as long as the ones from last year.
When any book hits a milestone, it's routinely momentous and deserving of a measured amount of fan fare. With its 100th issueThe Walking Dead, co-created by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore, hit such a milestone with its July 11th release, accompanied a wealth of media hype, fan hype and more covers than can possibly be necessary. Yet in a case like this, what matters is the comic itself, as regardless, in the end, a book needs to stand on its own.
It is a funny thing that sometimes when a comic book becomes popular it attracts a lot of negative feedback. That isn’t to say that it might not deserve the negative feedback (I’ve hated lots of popular things), but sometimes…
Friday at Toronto’s convention center, Fan Expo 2011 continued. Fan costumes were out in full force today and the venue was practically packed by 11 a.m. Saturday is what event planners have been bracing for. A big turn out is…
What’s going on this Friday at Fan Expo at downtown Toronto’s Convention Center? Plenty. From the looks of it Chris Claremont, X-Men, has just been added to the Expo line up. According to the Official 2011 Show Program Claremont will…
In comics, zombies have become kind of old news. Superhero zombies, world war two zombies, hell they’re currently attacking GI Joe, Transformers and The Ghostbusters over at IDW. But the one rather unique voice is the comic that started the…
Writer: Rick Remender Penciler: Tony Moore Inks: Crimeland Studios with Sandu Florea (p. 6) and Karl Kesel (p. 12-13) Colourist:John Rauch Letterer: Joe Caramagna Cover: Joe Quesada; Paulo Siqueira and Morry Hollowell (variant) Publisher: Marvel Comics Welcome to Project Rebirth…
So as more and more news about the walking dead TV show starts to dribble out, I’m hoping more and more that it’ll succeed. It’s got a great director in Frank Darabont stewarding the project, it’s lined up a pretty…