Covered 365: Day 92
House of Secrets #92 – DC Comics, July 1971 – Artist: Bernie Wrightson (pencils and inks) I feel like I’m cheating with this one but how do I not pick it? A great comic book cover matching each day of…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
House of Secrets #92 – DC Comics, July 1971 – Artist: Bernie Wrightson (pencils and inks) I feel like I’m cheating with this one but how do I not pick it? A great comic book cover matching each day of…
Swamp Thing #1, DC Comics, August-September 1972. Long time Undervalued Spotlight supporter Carey chimes in this week with a fantastic pick. Carey has always had a good eye spotting the obvious that others sometimes miss and this week is no…
It’s time for another update from BIFF SOCKO, TWO-FISTED NEWSHOUND. Biff Socko covers Comic Book News like zits on the A-V Club. Faster than Perry White! Stronger than J. Jonah Jameson! Hotter than Cat Grant. He is…BIFF SOCKO! DEADLINE:…
DC comics hosted its first of three all-access panels at Fan Expo in Toronto August 24, featuring a host of the company's brightest creators as they chatted with fans for the better part of an hour
It’s no secret that Guy Davis is one of the best artists working in comics today. He’s well known for his legendary run on BPRD as well as one of the most underrated series of the 90s, Sandman Mystery Theatre.…
Last week, I had a number of special guests write about who they thought was the best superhero ever. From music guru Alan Cross to librarian Genevieve Kwant, the people and responses to the question and interpretations of the question…
At the conclusion of Brightest Day, Alec Holland rose from the grave and again became Swamp Thing. After fighting off his dark doppelganger, the Swamp Thing entity lashed out at transnational corporations responsible for the world's environmental concerns. John Constantine is next on its hitlist, but the question is, why? Constantine visits Gotham to meet with Batman and leaves town after gaining his opinion on combating Swamp Thing and the strange infection that's befallen the wily sorcerer.
For a year I followed the Brightest Day series through its ups and many downs, so you may be asking why I would revisit the series. Well, to answer your question, John Constantine. That dynamic alone warrants a return. Naturally. Forward march!
Writers: Geoff Johns and Peter Tomasi Artists: Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, Patrick Gleason, Ardian Syaf, Scott Clark, Norm Rapmund, Vicente Cifuentes, Oclair Albert, Tom Nguyen, Mick Gray, Mark Irwin and David Beaty Colour: Peter Steigerwald Cover: Gary Frank and Rod…
Twelve heroes and villains have their lives returned in the wake of Blackest Night. Each is charged with a task they must complete if earth's ultimate saviour is to arrive in time to save the DCU from the dark avatar that spells their doom. This is Brightest Day.
Every week Comic Book Daily asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers; we’ll be doing this for 52 weeks. Tip of the hat goes to the gang at Scans Daily for the inspiration. Pete’s been…
So right now I’m in the middle of research for something. Can’t really say what because honestly it might fall apart and I’ll be in the corner crying. But I’ve still got to put in some work so unfortunately this…
Brent takes a look at Paul Cornell's reintroduction of Neil Gaiman's Death into the DC Universe. Warning, the following review and discussion probably has a ton of spoilers.
(Whosoever Holds This Hammer appears every Tuesday exclusively on comicbookdaily.com) OOOOOOOOOO! So scary! Welcome to the Halloween edition of WHTH fanboys and ghouls! In the spirit of the season, I thought that I would talk a little bit about comic…
Well it’s time for another random group of comic news and commentary, so strap on your helmets, it’s time for a Grab bag edition of Just a Thought! Image United issue 3 is out. Yup, months late and any general…
Well with convention season in full swing, I thought it was time for a look into the crystal ball and take a look and see what we may have in store for the future. Before we begin, these predictions are…
Welcome back loyal readers, I hope my adventures were enough to keep you satisfied until my regular column returned this week. This week we’re going to do a grab bag and a few reviews. I guess we should start at…
When I was – god.. let’s just say younger ..I happened upon a Swamp Thing cartoon. At the time I thought it was all kinds of awesome. I mean, I had no idea who Swamp Thing was – not really…