Covered 365: Day 261
House of Mystery #261, DC Comics, February 1978, Artist: Mike Kaluta. Today had 2 strong contenders for the top spot. I should call it a tie. I’ll start with Mike Kaluta’s masterful cover to House of Mystery #261, the imagery…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
House of Mystery #261, DC Comics, February 1978, Artist: Mike Kaluta. Today had 2 strong contenders for the top spot. I should call it a tie. I’ll start with Mike Kaluta’s masterful cover to House of Mystery #261, the imagery…
Amazing Spider-Man #258, Marvel Comics, February 1984, Artist: Ron Frenz. It was tough slogging today, I liked a few covers but I didn’t love any of them. My winner today is Ron Frenz’s cover to Amazing Spider-Man #258, which costume…
World’s Finest #255, DC Comics, March 1979, Artist: Jim Aparo. I’ve caught myself looking at your picks for the next day and felt they were swaying my decisions, it’s like I wanted to be nice to everybody. Well, it doesn’t…
Superman #254, DC Comics, July 1972, Artist: Nick Cardy. I’ve gained a new appreciation for Nick Cardy thanks to this column. I think his cover to Superman #254 is a standout. Speaking of gaining a new appreciation, David Yardin has…
Batman #253, DC Comics, September 1973, Artist: Mike Kaluta. The colours and the mood work really well on Mike Kaluta’s cover to Batman #253. Walt Kelly does it again, we need a good few minutes to drink in all that…
Superman #252, DC Comics, June 1972, Artist: Neal Adams. Today it came down to a beautiful wrap-around cover versus a beautiful cover swipe. I’m not afraid to go with a swipe if I think it worthy but today I have…
Superman #243, DC Comics, October 1971, Artist: Neal Adams. I tried so hard not to pick this cover, but this boy from the Balkans knows what he likes and I really like Neal Adams’ cover to Superman #243. Apologies to…
Batman #242, DC Comics, June 1972, Artist: Mike Kaluta. I’m a big Mike Kaluta fan and I love the scene and the mood on the cover of Batman #242. Neal Adams hits again with a strong cover to Superman #242.…
X-Men #240, Marvel Comics, January 1989, Artist: Marc Silvestri. Day 240 makes two wanting days in a row. I’m to the point in this exercise where I do not look ahead, so I’m always hopeful tomorrow will be a better…
Superman #233, DC Comics, January 1971. Artist: Neal Adams. Neal Adams steals the show with his iconic cover to Superman #233, this cover just stands out. One of my favourite comics in my collection is Undercover Girl #6 so it’s…
Four Color #231, Eastern Color, June 1949. Artist: Bill Wright. Four Color #231 is the #231 to own for its cover, high-quality work from Bill Wright. Hey, is this the Bill Wright of the Billy Wright Golden Age collection fame?…
Batman #230, DC Comics, March 1971. Artist: Neal Adams. I’ve always liked Neal Adams’ cover to Batman #230, hard in grade with that black background. Captain America #230 wasn’t far behind, strong cover from Ron Wilson. I’m also digging the…
Action Comics #19, DC Comics, December 1939. This week’s Undervalued Spotlight came about because of an argument over Superman #2. A friend of mine, and a comic book nut, was arguing that Superman #2 should be featured on the Spotlight…
Superman #215, DC Comics, April 1969. Artist: Neal Adams. There is definitely a pattern of usual suspects developing on these posts, Adams, Kane, Frazetta, Wrightson have dominated the past 20 posts at least. I have to try to dig out…
House Of Mystery #211, DC, February 1973. Artist: Bernie Wrightson. About 100 days ago I commented that we were heading into Cole Country (L.B. Cole). I didn’t want one artist to hijack the post so I excluded his covers for…
Superman #208, DC Comics, October 2004. Artist: Jim Lee. Jim Lee gives us a fantastic cover to Superman #208 (1987 series), great detail to his work and I like the composition of this piece. Neal Adams continues his brilliant cover…
House of Mystery #206, DC Comics, September 1972. Artist: Tony DeZuniga. Psychiatrist’s office – “Mr. Durajlija you seem to have an obsession with Scarecrows, tell me about your childhood on the farm”… Tony DeZuniga draws a mean scarecrow on the…
Four Color #204, Eastern Color, December 1948. Artist: Paul Norris. Blame that gorgeous blue fade. Before anyone gives me any flack have a look at the covers below and tell me you wouldn’t want the Four Color #204 at the…
Superman: Red Son #1, DC Comics, 2003. I remember back in 2003 at the Wizard World Chicago Con, I scoured the con and bought up every copy I could find of this week’s Undervalued Spotlight, Superman: Red Son #1. Red…
Superman #202, DC Comics, April 2004. Artist: Michael Turner. I found Day 202 to be a bit wanting so I resolved not to pick any of the what I found mediocre standbys. I thought I’d go and highlight a little…