Fun and Games
Sorry that it’s been a couple of months since my last column. It’s become increasingly difficult to make a living in Canada as a small business and we’ve been focusing on trying to make ends meet. This column is not…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Sorry that it’s been a couple of months since my last column. It’s become increasingly difficult to make a living in Canada as a small business and we’ve been focusing on trying to make ends meet. This column is not…
Last week I mentioned that the new Teen Age Mutant Ninja Turtles book did so well they announced a second printing. Second printings have been the way to go for publishers the last couple of decades, if a book hits…
My pal Dennis De Pues dropped in last week and was hunting down some old Fantastic Four issues. I had to listen to him talk about how great the title was in the 60s, I might have yawned once or…
I’m posting a special Time to Collect insert piece written up by my Comic Culture co-host Chris Owen. Chris loves comics almost as much as he loves – I was gonna say donuts but thought it wrong, then my mind…
This will be the last of a three week push into market analysis, we’ll change speed next week, we’ll come back to the tough stuff but only after we visit some lighter, more fun topics in the coming weeks. There…
One of my guilty pleasures has long been magic. One of the oldest performing arts in the world, there is something about magic (be it illusion, stage magic, close-up magic and even mentalism) that find both extremely entertaining and intellectually…
Honestly, I’m not even sure how valid my observation is this week. I’m doing it by feel, this is the way I feel about the subject and I’ve somehow morphed this feeling and lack of awareness into a full-blown summation…
Incredible Hulk #3, Marvel Comics, September 1962. I’m staying on course this week and zeroing in on rock-solid books that still have room to grow, books that deliver blue-chip quality and still have some upside. This week I want to…
Fantastic Four #28, Marvel Comics, July 1964. On the back issue comic market the two most speculated Marvel titles for a while now have been the Fantastic Four (FF) and the X-Men, and why not, a massive fan base eagerly…
August 28, 2019, would have been the King’s 102nd Birthday. I can’t help but think how much the comics world has changed since his death in February of 1994. I didn’t find out about his passing until almost 10 years…
Fantastic Four #11, Marvel Comics, February 1963. Here’s another book I pulled off the “future Spotlight” shelf, it’s a book I’ve owned many times and it just may be the most liquid issue of the Fantastic Four between #6 and…
X-Men #9, Marvel Comics, January 1965. This is a Spotlight I’ve had lined up for well over a year and yet for some reason I’ve been slow to post it. Now I actually may be a couple of months late…
X-Men #14, Marvel Comics, November 1965. Some X-Men books are enjoying some nice value appreciation lately so I thought I’d scour the catalog and find us a sleeper. I was never a big fan of the X-Men movies but there…
Tales of Suspense #40, Marvel Comics, April 1963. Its funny but my current Covered, 365 project really got me to thinking about this weeks Undervalued Spotlight, Tales of Suspense #40. Tales of Suspense #40 features the second appearance of Iron…
Fantastic Four Annual #1, Marvel Comics 1963. Ok here’s a first for Comic Book Daily (I think). After much deliberation I’ve decided to dust off Mike Huddleston’s old Overvalued Overstreet #14 featuring Fantastic Four Annual #1, which he posted almost…
Amazing Spider-Man #66 – Marvel Comics, November 1968 – Artist: John Romita. ASM #66 is the best Mysterio cover in the run. A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with…
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era. Day 44 – Tales to Astonish #44, June 1963, Artist – Jack Kirby. Is this…
This week on Arcs & Runs we are going to play a game of “What If”. Our question – If you had to accept a one-year assignment in an arctic weather station, what twenty issue run of comics would you…
What is it that I can say regarding Stan Lee’s passing that hasn’t already been said. The only thing I can say is how I feel about it. I never met Stan, although I certainly felt like I knew him…
Fantastic Four #10, Marvel Comics, January 1963. Stan Lee passed away yesterday, Monday, November 12th, 2018. My condolences to Mr. Lee’s family and friends. I’ll always remember where I was when I heard of Stan Lee’s death, I’ll also remember the…