Covered 365: Day 244
Four Color #244, Eastern Color, September 1942, Artist: Walt Kelly. Look at the mastery of Walt Kelly on the cover of Four Color #244, you need 5 minutes to take this cover in properly, simply wonderful art. Of the 3…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Four Color #244, Eastern Color, September 1942, Artist: Walt Kelly. Look at the mastery of Walt Kelly on the cover of Four Color #244, you need 5 minutes to take this cover in properly, simply wonderful art. Of the 3…
Superman #243, DC Comics, October 1971, Artist: Neal Adams. I tried so hard not to pick this cover, but this boy from the Balkans knows what he likes and I really like Neal Adams’ cover to Superman #243. Apologies to…
Daredevil #239, Marvel Comics, February 1987, Artist: Art Adams. Yikes, Day 239 really was underwhelming. I’ve always had a begrudging respect for the cover of Daredevil #239 while I think the scene depicted is too callous artist Art Adams gives…
X-Men Legacy , Marvel Comics, June 2010. Artist: Dave Johnson. Mars Attacks! I love the aesthetics on Dave Johnson’s cover to X-Men Legacy #235! The only thing that kept Spectacular Spider-Man #235 from winning was the lack of Dazzler! Sal…
Batman #232, DC Comics, June 1971. Artist: Neal Adams. Day 232 is a banner day !! Who said things were going to dry up?! The obvious pick for Day 232 is, of course, Batman #232, that cover that you can…
Marvel Tales #226, Marvel Comics, August 1989. Artist: Todd McFarlane. It came down to Batman #226 and Marvel Tales #226, Neal Adams versus Todd McFarlane. The beef I have with both covers is that the secondary characters suck but Spidey…
Ultimate Spider-Man #159 Variant Cover, Marvel Comics, August 2011 – Artist: Frank Cho. It was a close race between this great Frank Cho Spidey cover and that wonderfully classic Carl Buettner Four Color #159 cover (pic included below), I went…
Just in time for Christmas, the King Size Ditko is…Amazing will be released to an eager group of silver age fans. Steve Ditko is mostly known for his work. Best known as the creator/co-creator of Spider-Man and Doctor Strange. He…
Venom #150, Megacon Exclusive, Marvel Comics, July 2017 – Artist: Francesco Mattina. Venom had a slew of #150 variant offerings and this one by Mattina is a showstopper, I can’t get enough of it. A close second today had to…
Amazing Spider-Man #122, Marvel Comics, July 1973 – Artist: John Romita. Everything there was missing on the cover of Amazing Spider-Man #121 is there in spades on Amazing Spider-Man #122, the action, the drama, the villain, the girl, the scene…
After 69 years in the comics industry, Joltin’ Joe Sinnott has officially retired…again. He first retired 29 years ago but since that time has been inking the Amazing Spider-Man newspaper strip over Alex Saviuk’s pencils. Joe Sinnott is considered by…
Ultimate Spider-Man #100, Marvel Comics, November 2006 – Artist: Mark Bagely. I hate being predictable, remind me never to play a poker game with Meli, but I just can’t ignore this mesmerizing wraparound cover, my goodness. I tried to count…
Fantastic Four Annual #1, Marvel Comics 1963. Ok here’s a first for Comic Book Daily (I think). After much deliberation I’ve decided to dust off Mike Huddleston’s old Overvalued Overstreet #14 featuring Fantastic Four Annual #1, which he posted almost…
Amazing Spider-Man #66 – Marvel Comics, November 1968 – Artist: John Romita. ASM #66 is the best Mysterio cover in the run. A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with…
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era. Day 2 – Marvel Two in One Annual #2, Artist – Jim Starlin. The art…
Marvel Team-Up #62, Marvel Comics, October 1977. I’ve been spending waaay too much money buying gifts lately to even think about picking a big expensive book this week so I’d like to keep it light and fun AND leave Santa…
This week on Arcs & Runs we are going to play a game of “What If”. Our question – If you had to accept a one-year assignment in an arctic weather station, what twenty issue run of comics would you…
Today I am shining the Overvalued Overstreet spotlight on one of my favourite Amazing Spider-Man Ditko covers, and the Green Goblin’s third appearance. It is an early Spider-Man; however, Overstreet does have this book overvalued to the current market. Let’s…
Fake News! Long before that phrase was coined there was J. Jonah Jameson, and long before J.J., there would be others spreading their version of the truth. It was through the pages of the Amazing Spider-Man as a youngster maybe…
Amazing Spider-Man #102, Marvel Comics, November 1971. Bronze baby, bronze! Thanks to last week’s post I’m all stoked for Marvel Bronze Age so I found another nice bite-sized book that would look good in everyone’s collection, actually I think it’s…