The King is in Session
This week Chris and Walt have a couple of guest stars for the show. Shekky Feldstein joins to add his two cents. As well, we finally wrangle in the King, Jay Halstead, to talk about the longevity of intellectual properties.…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
This week Chris and Walt have a couple of guest stars for the show. Shekky Feldstein joins to add his two cents. As well, we finally wrangle in the King, Jay Halstead, to talk about the longevity of intellectual properties.…
One of my guilty pleasures has long been magic. One of the oldest performing arts in the world, there is something about magic (be it illusion, stage magic, close-up magic and even mentalism) that find both extremely entertaining and intellectually…
Captain America #347, Marvel Comics, November 1988. Artist: Ron Frenz. A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era. I’m seeing a Steranko/Kirby mashup…
Amazing Spider-Man #316, Marvel Comics, June 1989. Artist: Todd McFarlane. Day #316 gave us a modern era classic and then a bunch of meh covers. There is no denying Todd McFarlane’s Amazing Spider-Man #316 cover, next to ASM #300 this…
Amazing Spider-Man #313, Marvel Comics, March 1898. Artist: Todd McFarlane. It was really tight between the Hulk cover and the Spidey cover but in the end I thought I’d award the originality and ferociousness of Todd McFarlane’s cover to Amazing…
Amazing Spider-Man #312, Marvel Comics, February 1989. Artist: Todd McFarlane. Day 312 was an easy day, Todd McFarlane’s cover to Amazing Spider-Man #312 was the class of the field. J. Scott Campbell’s eye popping cover to Wolverine #312 did not…
Amazing Spider-Man #308, Marvel Comics, November 1988. Artist: Todd McFarlane. Todd McFarlane’s cover to Amazing Spider-Man #308 is the easy winner today, powerful cover with great use of colors and shades. My boy Dick Dillin is back with a sizzling…
World’s Finest #299, DC Comics, January 1984. Artist: Ed Hannigan. I know its a silly cover but I like looking at Ed Hannigan’s cover to World’s Finest #299. What could be better than a cover that allows me to type…
X-Men #35, Marvel Comics, August 1967. I was reading something about Warren Buffet and the way he bought stocks, it was all about finding quality and value. I thought I’d try Mr. Buffet’s technique to see if I can weed…
Hellblazer #287, DC Comics, February 2012. Artist: Simon Bisley. Striking cover from Simon Bisley on Hellblazer #212, Hellblazer covers are either hit or miss for me, this one is definitely a hit. Mike Zeck! He’s been the gold standard here…
Amazing Spider-Man #285, Marvel Comics, February 1987. Artist: Mike Zeck. Mike Zeck! I didn’t realize he had so many great covers, well he obviously had a thing for rooftops and I like the results on his cover to Amazing Spider-Man…
Conan #275, Marvel Comics, December 1993, Artist: Colin MacNeil. Colin MacNeil finally got Conan’s face right on his dramatic and fitting cover to Conan #275, the final issue in the epic run. This cover has always been a favourite of…
House of Mystery #261, DC Comics, February 1978, Artist: Mike Kaluta. Today had 2 strong contenders for the top spot. I should call it a tie. I’ll start with Mike Kaluta’s masterful cover to House of Mystery #261, the imagery…
Captain America #260, Marvel Comics, August 1981, Artist: Al Milgrom. Another guy I’ve learned to appreciate more thanks to this exercise is Al Milgrom, check out his eye-catching cover to Captain America #260. Ron Frenz’s cover to Amazing Spider-Man #260…
Amazing Spider-Man #258, Marvel Comics, February 1984, Artist: Ron Frenz. It was tough slogging today, I liked a few covers but I didn’t love any of them. My winner today is Ron Frenz’s cover to Amazing Spider-Man #258, which costume…
Superman #252, DC Comics, June 1972, Artist: Neal Adams. Today it came down to a beautiful wrap-around cover versus a beautiful cover swipe. I’m not afraid to go with a swipe if I think it worthy but today I have…
Amazing Spider-Man #249, Marvel Comics, February 1984, Artist: John Byrne. Remember those old urban legends about the female secretaries winning weekly football pools because they picked by jersey colors? Well today I had it down to Daredevil #249 and Amazing…
Batman #248, DC Comics, April 1973, Artist: Mike Kaluta. Mike Kaluta is my Novak, making a living in the era of Neal Adams and Bernie Wrightson means you have to elevate your game and Kaluta sure did, his Bronze Age…
Amazing Spider-Man #245, Marvel Comics, October 1983, Artist: John Romita Jr. I’ve always loved the cover to Amazing Spider-Man #245, great work from Junior. I really like the Leinil Francis Yu Fantastic Four Variant cover to X-Men Legacy #245, great…
Four Color #244, Eastern Color, September 1942, Artist: Walt Kelly. Look at the mastery of Walt Kelly on the cover of Four Color #244, you need 5 minutes to take this cover in properly, simply wonderful art. Of the 3…