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Raw, Raw, Raw!

Last weekend was the Toronto ComiCon. Now I realize this site is read by people from all over the world, and if you have been following the posts here the last few days, a lot has been said about it already. So I will leave it at that except to say I was there looking for raw comics in particular but I was looking for one CGC graded book as well.

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It’s time for another update from BIFF SOCKO, TWO-FISTED NEWSHOUND. Biff Socko covers Comic Book News like zits on the A-V Club. Faster than Perry White! Stronger than J. Jonah Jameson! He is…BIFF SOCKO! DATELINE: S.H.I.E.L.D. HELICARRIER. In light of…

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Undervalued Spotlight #54

In the summer of 1965 spies were still all the rage. Thunderball, the 4th James Bond film was even more popular than the first 3 (Dr. No, From Russia with Love and Goldfinger for those of you counting). The Man from U.N.C.L.E. was a T.V. hit and the Cold War was still raging. Marvel had over a year earlier noticed this demand for spies and introduced...

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