Tag Scott Snyder

Scott Snyder

52 weeks. 52 different writers. 2 trade paperbacks or hardcovers a week. Each week I’ll take a look at a different writer and read two different collected editions from within that person’s repertoire to help in the examination of their work: Scott Snyder.

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Campaign of the Week: ‘In the Dark:’ A Horror Anthology

If you love horror comics, or even supernatural stories, this is a perfect comic for you as you'll get huge 250 page book filled from cover to cover with quality work from the writers and artists who offered their time to work on the project without any compensation up front. These ladies and gentlemen love their craft and love writing and drawing within the horror genre, and if you're a fan of their work or the genre itself you should support this project. The $50 perk is a great reward on its own, but if you're outside the U.S. and are squeamish about the extra shipping cost, getting the $10 digital PDF version is a great option

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This weekend in ol’ Blighty saw the Kapow!  comic convention role into town, boldly claiming the London Business Design Centre as its own for 2 full days in the capital’s North East.  The show was much hyped online by the English…

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Batman #5

Batman is on trial as the mythic Court of Owls is closing in on the Dark Knight. Issue five of the relaunched series was released last week, bringing with it new revelations about the shadowy cabal purportedly to have run Gotham since the pioneer days.

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Batman #1

Issue one of the new Batman series hit store shelves last week, perhaps the premier title of the third week of DC Comics' relaunch. The book features Scott Snyder at the helm as Bruce Wayne is formally returned to the scene of his greatest triumphs and failures: Gotham.

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Auteur Theory

So the DC Comic Solicits were released yesterday to a big underwhelming thud. It’s not that there weren’t any interesting ideas shown; see the wonderful solicit for Wonder Woman. It’s just I’m underwhelmed with a sense of not caring. I…

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