Tag Sandra Hope

Justice League #6

Justice League and its varying assortment of off-shoot titles has long been considered the flagship title of the DCU, often featuring the biggest heroes DC has to offer. Having been the lead-off title for the company's New 52 initiative, that distinction held true and has remained a top title on Diamond's sales charts since Sept. 2011. The first arc of the Geoff Johns penned series concluded last week with the world's greatest heroes having a final showdown with the dark god himself, Darkseid.

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Flashpoint #4 (of 5)

Everything changed in a flash, and before he knew what happened, Barry Allen's life as he knew it was dramatically changed. With nothing as it should be, Barry painstakingly attempts to solve Zoom's puzzle before the memories of his former life are replaced forever.

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Flashpoint #2

We're back again this week with the other major comic book crossover offering this summer, Flashpoint. This week Flashpoint and Fear Itself both saw releases so it only seemed fitting to look at them both. Here...we...GO!

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Review: Flashpoint #1

Having stopped reading the Flash series some time ago, I wasn't sure what to expect from this first issue. I had read issue 12 for the necessary direct set-up to this mini-series to get an idea of where Johns had taken the Barry Allen Flash series and how that tied into Flashpoint.

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Review: Brightest Day #15

Writers: Geoff Johns and Peter Tomasi Artists: Patrick Gleason and Scott Clark Inkers: David Beaty, Mick Gray, Tom Nguyen, Mark Irwin, Rebecca Buchman, Keith Champagne, Sandra Hope, Patrick Gleason Colours: Brian Buccellato and Peter Steigerwald Cover: David Finch (primary), Ivan…

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