Review | Dia de los Muertos
Riley Rossmo invites a handful of great writers to his Dia de los Muertos party, and the results are fantastic.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Riley Rossmo invites a handful of great writers to his Dia de los Muertos party, and the results are fantastic.
A look back at the first arc of Bedlam, a violent and beautiful comics that questions the very nature of evil.
GREEN WAKE creators Kurtis J. Wiebe and Riley Rossmo reunite for DEBRIS, an action-packed sci-fi adventure featuring enormous robotic monsters.
WILD CHILDREN Written by Ales Kot Art by Riley Rossmo Colors/edits by Gregory Wright Letters by Clayton Cowles Published July 2012 by Image Comics 64 pages, full color Order online: Amazon, Book Depository Much like its protagonists, WILD CHILDREN is…
Rebel Blood is one of many zombie based books available for the consumption of horror fans, and considering that, we must ask what differentiates them from each other. Which are good, which are less so; in the end, which are worth our money and which are not? Given the arc of Link and Rossmo's story and its ultimate conclusion, it's very clear Rebel Blood in any incarnation is worth every cent of its price tag.
Considering the overwhelming popularity of zombies due in large part to the successes of the Walking Dead comic and television series, it's difficult to revolutionize the horror genre. Even with that in mind, that's what co-plotters Alex Link and Riley Rossmo have attempted to do with their creator-owned series, entitled Rebel Blood.