Who Came First?
This week Chris and Walt welcome back the great Shekky Feldstein. Walt puts Chris and Shekky to the test when he quizzes them on – Who Came First? Please let us know what you thought of the show by adding…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
This week Chris and Walt welcome back the great Shekky Feldstein. Walt puts Chris and Shekky to the test when he quizzes them on – Who Came First? Please let us know what you thought of the show by adding…
This week Chris and Walt take a bit of time to pay tribute to the great Neal Adams and they quickly try to promote Free Comic Book Day that is happening this weekend. Please let us know what you thought…
This Week Chris and Walt talk about how best to sort one’s collection: it sounds a lot simpler than it turns out to be. Don’t believe us? Have a listen to poor Chris lament as to how to get it…
This week Chris and Walt welcome Captain Canuck creator Richard Comely for some reminiscing fun. Richard takes us way back to Winnipeg in the days before he started Captain Canuck. Please let us know what you thought of the show:…
This week Walt tests Chris on comic book values: will Chris know which of the two comics Walt gives Chris is worth more according to the price guide? Please let us know what you thought of the show by leaving…
This week Chris and Walt talk about the two polar worlds within the comic collecting hobby: the pure collectors and the pure speculators and the fact that most of us fall somewhere in between. Please let us know what you…
This week Chris and Walt are joined by Dave Campbell who runs the Big B Comics shops in Hamilton and Niagara Falls Ontario. The boys talk about the current state of the local comic shops, they also look forward and…
This week Chris and Walt talk about going back to setting up at comic conventions. It’s a big step after two and a half years away; the boys talk about what to expect. Please let us know what you thought…
Chris and Walt wish everyone a happy Valentine’s: the boys hope everyone loves and is loved. This week the annual Valentine’s poem off goes down and as you’ll soon find out, it wasn’t pretty. Perhaps an E for effort should…
This week Chris tries to stump Walt with some very difficult comic book trivia questions. Walt, like the champ that he is, flies through them with ease. Please let us know what you thought of the show: just leave a…
This week Chris and Walt welcome show producer Shekky Feldstein to discuss the superhero films due to be released in 2022. Please let us know what you thought of this week’s show. Feel free to leave a comment in the…
This week Chris and Walt talk a bit about what to expect in 2022. What will the comic book market look like this year? Listen in and see what the boys have to say. Please let us know what you…
This week Chris and Walt talk Christmas and comics and how they get along. The boys explore their Christmas traditions related to comic books. Please let us know what you thought of the show in the comments field below, and…
This week the boys do a little daydreaming and imagine how they would spend one million dollars if someone gifted them the money to spend only on comic books, and they had only three months to spend it. Please let…
Today Chris and Walt talk about where they are in their comic book collecting journey. The boys talk about the difficulties in choosing what to let go of, what to keep, what to pick up next and all the other…
According to one of Chris’ comic buddies CGC has ruined it for the collectors. Walt of course disagrees. Tune in to hear what the fellas have to say about CGC and comic book collecting. Please let us know what you…
This week Chris and Walt talk about teams, what makes a good comic book team, why do some teams work and other teams not? The boys explore the world of comic book teams. Please let us know what you thought…
A day late but hey, you can’t rush greatness… This week Chris and Walt let the cat out of the bag and talk DC’s rising stock in the back issue markets. Please let us know what you thought of the…
This week Chris and Walt really do bite off more than they can chew by trying to have a look at the state of the whole comic book industry, from top to bottom. Please let us know what you thought…
This week Chris puts Walt through a tough session of Stump The Chump. Walt knows his stuff so you’d expect him to do really well on comic trivia. How’d he do? Have a listen and find out… Please let us…