Tag peter tomasi

Green Lantern Corps #4

A mysterious force has been killing Green Lanterns left and right and John and Guy have taken a team deep into space to end this intergalactic threat. The team arrives on the planet Xabas, only to come face-to-face with the Keepers. The Keepers quickly dispatch many of the Lanterns and gain the upper hand and force Guy and John to call a retreat. Many of them transport back to Oa using one of the present Lantern's natural teleportation powers, but they quickly find that Stewart and a small number of Lanterns have been left behind to fight for their lives.

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Review: Brightest Day #15

Writers: Geoff Johns and Peter Tomasi Artists: Patrick Gleason and Scott Clark Inkers: David Beaty, Mick Gray, Tom Nguyen, Mark Irwin, Rebecca Buchman, Keith Champagne, Sandra Hope, Patrick Gleason Colours: Brian Buccellato and Peter Steigerwald Cover: David Finch (primary), Ivan…

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