Tag Peter Laird

Undervalued Spotlight #181

Question: What is the single most valuable comic book of last 45 years? Walking Dead #1? 1st appearance of Deadpool? Venom?

Nope, it’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1, first printing. Even the first appearance of Wolverine can't match the rarity of TMNT #1… the latest CGC census shows 6234 graded copies of Hulk #181 compared to TMNT #1’s 475 graded copies. Suffice to say it’s an ultra rare book. With a new movie on the horizon, and a new generation of Turtlemania, this could be the time to invest in this blue chip.

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Turtle Power

When Nickelodeon bought the Turtles from Peter Laird in 2009, I wasn't sure what they would do with them but I was pretty sure it was going to be too kid oriented for my tastes. While my love of the Turtles was first spawned with the cartoon in the late 80's, it was the first film and the comic that really grabbed me.

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