Top 25 Bronze Age Books
We noticed the batteries died while doing Amazing Spider-Man #129 so you’ll get two takes on the same book (if anything, it does show that we don’t rehash dialogue, nothing but improve from my pal Chris and I). Please let…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
We noticed the batteries died while doing Amazing Spider-Man #129 so you’ll get two takes on the same book (if anything, it does show that we don’t rehash dialogue, nothing but improve from my pal Chris and I). Please let…
The 43rd edition of the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide has just hit the stands and I couldn’t be more excited. No comic book collector that calls him or herself a comic book collector should be without a guide. It’s essential…
The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide 42nd Edition by Robert M. Overstreet has just hit the stands. The guide is simply the best tool we have in the hobby! I always get excited when the new guide comes out. The…