Fan Expo 2017
Another year, another Fan Expo. Like most of this decade, I hummed and hawed about going. In the end I decided it was worth the trip as my nine-year old son John hadn’t been before; he’s been to all the…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Another year, another Fan Expo. Like most of this decade, I hummed and hawed about going. In the end I decided it was worth the trip as my nine-year old son John hadn’t been before; he’s been to all the…
I saw Michael Cho had added some covers to his blog and just had to celebrate them. All covers to DC’s Omnibus line.
Being a slow reader with many interests means that my “to-read” list is an ongoing work in progress. I recently made a push to chip away at my massive list and so, in another two part write up, I thought…
Generally speaking, people come to comics by way of art, but stay for the stories. Art is immediate, stirring and personal. Many artists have their beginnings or have been influenced by comics in some way, but not all artists pursue…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Ross, Schultz, Cho, Zonjic, Smith.
Michael Cho is a Canadian cartoonist who has previously published a collection of sketches about Toronto titled Back Alleys and Urban Landscapes. So it seems fitting that he begins Shoplifter by showing the reader a cityscape. There are black, rectangular…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Miller, Cho, Simonson, Manning, Quesada, Tedesco, Cassaday, Dodson, Kane, Canete and more!
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Hughes, Maleev, Adams, Fuchs, Cooke, Lloyd, Miller, Colan, Darrow, Kirby, Hernandez, Steranko, Cho, Rivera, Edwards, Kunstler and more!
Last night I had the opportunity to attend an art gallery reception for Back Alleys and Urban Landscapes , Michael Cho‘s art book on the unseen treasures of hidden Hogtown. Cho draws back the veil on these necessary arteries, and lets the…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Smith, Martin, Bolland, Heck, Rivoche, Cho, Sienkiewicz, Timm, Robbins, Kane and more!
As I do for every comic convention the bulk of my time was spent in Artist’s Alley over the four days of Toronto’s Fan Expo 2012. I collect comic art and so wait in line for hours and hours to…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Sahlstrom, Williams, Yu, Anka, Cho, Epting, Rivera, Ceccotti and more!
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Davis, Frazetta, Sienkiewicz, Staples, Quinones, Stewart, Buscema, Cho and more!
Michael Cho has a new book solicited in Drawn & Quarterly’s Spring 2012 catalogue: Back Alleys And Urban Landscapes. Here’s the quote: [quote]Michael Cho began creating drawings of the back alleys near his Toronto home in 2008. With this book,…
Here are some final thoughts on the last day of Fan Expo 2011.
Toronto Comic Arts Festival: Pencil it In from Toronto Comic Arts Festival on Vimeo. The Toronto Comic Arts Festival, or TCAF, is coming up May 7-8, and to promote it some friends of the organizers have created this nifty video…
Michael Cho is one of Comicbookdaily’s favourite artists. His Holiday Season card made us all weep tears of christmas joy, and his cover to Don Delillo’s White Noise made one of our favourite books even more awesome. Well, this time…