Undervalued Spotlight #356
Silver Surfer #3, Marvel Comics, December 1968 I wanted to feature this book a while ago but when I realized the market was already onto it I held off. Upon some reflection I’ve decided Silver Surfer #3 still has very…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Silver Surfer #3, Marvel Comics, December 1968 I wanted to feature this book a while ago but when I realized the market was already onto it I held off. Upon some reflection I’ve decided Silver Surfer #3 still has very…
So being firmly bitten by the comic book bug at age 10, and thoroughly exhausting my friends and family getting any back issues, I began to take note of the little adds that offered back issues. For some reason the add by Robert Bell and Michael J. Rogofsky stood out to me more than most. I sent my request, plus 25 cents (Cdn) to far off New York.
Writer: Joe Quesada Artist: Paulo Rivera Great things and terrible things have a single thing in common. Eventually, at some point, they come to an end. Such is the case with this polarizing storyline that has divided Spider-Man fans ranging…