Double Shipping isn’t Double the Fun
We all have our favourite television show, right? It might be Game of Thrones, or The Simpsons, or Golden Girls and it most likely airs once per week. That is sort of the rule of television in that you get…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
We all have our favourite television show, right? It might be Game of Thrones, or The Simpsons, or Golden Girls and it most likely airs once per week. That is sort of the rule of television in that you get…
Avengers vs. X-Men, the high-octane superhero romp featuring the X-Men and the Avengers continued last week with its tenth issue. The Hope centric plot plodded onward, bringing the expansive mini-series ever closer to its conclusion.
The first issue of Matt Fraction's Hawkeye series is one of a number of titles debuting prior to the "Marvel Now!" initiative. The series finds Fraction and David Aja, the team behind The Immortal Iron Fist, reuniting to bring readers deeper into a more personalized view of Marvel's alpha-archer, Clint Barton.
We all know that rebooting a series or creating a “new jumping on point” causes sales to increase, albeit in some cases temporarily, but I often wonder what this does to the sales of a title before the relaunch. Comic…
In the fifth installment of Avengers vs. X-Men, the highly anticipated mini-series featuring Marvel's mutants and resident team of Avengers, the pace definitively picks up as tensions come to a head between the two teams vying for their personal stakes in Hope's destiny. However, despite an epic-scoped story, the collective of Marvel architects fail to capitalize on the story's potential with a lackluster fifth outing which explodes the X-Men mythos with a barrage of head scratching developments.
Similarly to film, summers tend to lend themselves to huge blockbuster story lines in comics. With seven years of planning behind it, Marvel's 2012 foray pits the Avengers against the X-Men. The Hope-centric plot brings together the world's greatest heroes and places them on opposing sides; one fights to save the world, the other to preserve its very existence.
"Defenders #3" arrived on comic shelves last week. Andrew Ardizzi takes a look at the issue this week for Comic Book Daily.
How was your Fan Expo weekend? Glad to hear it. How was mine? Oh you know, My FF workshop was the buzz of the internet for a weekend, Brian Azzarello, Jill Thompson and Matt Fraction tried to convince me to…
Marvel comics writer Matt Fraction took Fan Expo in Toronto to new levels of fun during various panels discussing the future of some of our favorite superheroes. Friday and Saturday of Fan Expo, Fraction attended two Marvel panels to speak…
Friday at Toronto’s convention center, Fan Expo 2011 continued. Fan costumes were out in full force today and the venue was practically packed by 11 a.m. Saturday is what event planners have been bracing for. A big turn out is…
Fan Expo in Toronto this Friday afternoon was the place for Marvel Comic’s hints and teasers, as the Marvel: Fear Itself panel dropped talked superheroes and what fans can expect in the coming months from Fear Itself and upcoming spin-off…
What’s going on this Friday at Fan Expo at downtown Toronto’s Convention Center? Plenty. From the looks of it Chris Claremont, X-Men, has just been added to the Expo line up. According to the Official 2011 Show Program Claremont will…
There’s nothing to fear except fear itself. In this case, the characters of the Marvel universe are faced with their worst fears as the Serpent slithers into their lives. Those fears are made reality as one by one they lose their own, and one by one they realize they may not win this battle. The Serpent has risen, and the tide of the battle may have swung forever against their favour.
Fear reigns and some of Marvel's physically strongest characters now carry mystical hammers, using them to strike fear in the hearts of their former allies. How can they stand to fight when their worst fears are coming to life? Even more, can they?
Marvel's summer blockbuster mini-series continues with issue three of Fear Itself. Facing down the Norse god of fear, Marvel's superheroes continue to lose some of their own ranks with every new mystical hammer that falls from the sky. At this point it can't get any worse, right? Forward march!
Writer: Matt Fraction Pencils: Stuart Immonen Colours: Laura Martin Letters: Chris Eliopoulos Cover: Stuart Immonen; Steve McNiven Publisher: Marvel Comics Issue two of Marvel’s huge summer blockbuster series is upon us. I felt the first issue was a little…
Hobbystar has really pulled out all the stops to make sure that the customers are getting the most out of the now 4 day convention. Announced earlier today, the guestline up is quite the who's who of the comic world. Check out the list inside.
Pete thinks that Geoff Johns needs to put more of himself on the page and then talks about how awesome Concrete is. Pretty typical stuff!
Paul Gravett takes a look at the works of Milo Manara. Really wonderful read, though it is NSFW due to nudity. Manara can’t draw a woman that doesn’t look like she’s not in the midst of an orgasm. He also…
Wherein Pete talks up Bryan Lee O'Malley, Jason Armstrong's Ferro City, the gang at ComicTwart and links you to a cool old Alex Toth story. Warning: Contains a Moebius gif that will destroy your mind and leave you feeling awesome.