Tag Marvel

The New Marvel Ident

With the release of Thor: The Dark World, Marvel introduced to us their new ident. Without getting too deep, an ident is basically an animated logo that, as the name suggests, help to identify a product, service or the company itself.

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Raw, Raw, Raw!

Last weekend was the Toronto ComiCon. Now I realize this site is read by people from all over the world, and if you have been following the posts here the last few days, a lot has been said about it already. So I will leave it at that except to say I was there looking for raw comics in particular but I was looking for one CGC graded book as well.

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Heritage 2014 Feb 20-22 Comic Art Signature Auction

This week Heritage wrapped up its 2014 February 20 - 22 Vintage Comics & Comic Art Signature Auction, covering a large array of classic covers and stunning artwork. A nice mix of silver age covers, modern classics and a range of strip art. The big winner was the cover to Action Comics issue 15 for $286,800.00, but these five pieces caught my eye.

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How Much For Everything?

But isn't that implicitly what Marvel and DC state by having a shared universe for their stories? If all their stories are great and if they all have the same heroes who live in the same world then wouldn't I want to buy every book they produce? I decided to get out the Previews Guide and a calculator to answer this rhetorical question. I used the January 2014 Previews as a proxy for the entire year on the assumption that some months will have fewer books and some months will have more but overall it will probably average out. I didn't include books not in the shared universe and I didn't include collected editions.

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Tahiti Isn’t A Treat

We all know about the show Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. It is the show that carries on from the Avengers movie starring Agent Phil Coulson (portrayed by Clark Gregg), as he leads a secret team investigating events around the globe. It premiered as a massive hit. Over 17 million viewers watched in the US alone. From there the ratings have dropped, but the numbers are still impressive.

Those millions and millions of viewers wanted to know one thing, how did Agent Coulson come back from the dead?

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Disney’s Marvel Joins Netflix To Take Over The World

Ok, ok, the title of this article is a bit misleading now that Marvel is owned by Disney .They aren’t trying to take over the world, but they are trying to keep you entertained to the max! In addition to the countless movies they have been pumping out, and the new Shield TV show which seems to be doing pretty well, they are looking to cover another media market, Netflix!

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TODAY’S SPECIAL: Mighty Avengers

Here are ARCHIE G’s, we don’t think you can make a dependable Pull List decision based on the first serving of a comic. Publishers throw everything they’ve got at a first issue, promotions, gimmick covers, etc. And speculators? Sheesh, don’t get me started on speculators. Because of stuff like that, sales figures are always bloated.

You need to make the decision based on the SECOND issue, because it will give you a better idea what the series will be like, issue-in, issue-out.

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Marvel Previews finally free digitally

Beginning with the November 2013 issue Marvel Previews will be free for all in its digital form. Since it's a catalog that only makes sense, but Diamond has been charging all of us for years to see what's coming out soon by way its Diamond Previews magazine. A few years ago Marvel left Diamond Previews and began publishing its own glossy catalog but continued the practice of charging for it, which will still be the case for the print format.

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