Tag Marvel Comics

Marvel Now!

So Marvel has just announced their big new initiative called Marvel Now! Marvel Now! will launch new titles and re-launch old ones from October 2012 through February 2013. Some of Marvel’s big name talent are being moved around for the…

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I Heart New York

New York is a great city. I know that isn’t exactly groundbreaking news, but every introductory sentence I write can’t be a winner. On a recent trip to New York I noticed how seeing the city in person gives you…

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Avengers vs. X-Men #5

In the fifth installment of Avengers vs. X-Men, the highly anticipated mini-series featuring Marvel's mutants and resident team of Avengers, the pace definitively picks up as tensions come to a head between the two teams vying for their personal stakes in Hope's destiny. However, despite an epic-scoped story, the collective of Marvel architects fail to capitalize on the story's potential with a lackluster fifth outing which explodes the X-Men mythos with a barrage of head scratching developments.

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Avengers vs. X-Men #1

Similarly to film, summers tend to lend themselves to huge blockbuster story lines in comics. With seven years of planning behind it, Marvel's 2012 foray pits the Avengers against the X-Men. The Hope-centric plot brings together the world's greatest heroes and places them on opposing sides; one fights to save the world, the other to preserve its very existence.

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Avengers vs. X-Men #0

Since her birth in the Alaskan cold in the 2007 X-Men crossover Messiah Complex, Hope Summers has been the central figure in all mutant related stories. From her role in the latest Cable series which lead to her return to the present during Second Coming, Hope has been an integral player in Marvel's plans for the X-books, destined to either save the mutant race from extinction or to destroy the world. That wasn't even the beginning of the complete story mind you, as the planning for this crossover stretches as far back as the 2005 mini-series House of M which resulted in the mutant gene being wiped out by the Scarlet Witch.

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Deadpool #49.1

Marvel released its latest round of point-one comics last week, among them Deadpool #49.1. Like any other "point-one" issue, this was a side-story bonus for readers featuring everyone's favourite "Merc with a Mouth." If that weren't enough, the book was written as a musical. Considering that irresistible combination, the issue had to be remarked on. Onward to the review!

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Ghost Rider #8

With the movie's release in sight, Marvel commissioned a new Ghost Rider series to bring the rider of vengeance back into our hands. This week CBD takes a look at issue eight of the series.

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Daredevil #7

Daredevil has swashbuckled his way past low level villains and has continued to deny his connection to Daredevil, that is until he stumbled onto a plot involving Hydra and A.I.M. and the uniforms made famous by Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four.

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Avengers: X-Sanction #1

Earlier this year the comic book world first caught wind of Cable's imminent return to the Marvel universe. The only question that remained, was, how? With Cable's death in Second Coming, it appeared that he had completed his final mission, but it would seem that for the time-travelling hero from the future, one final mission remains.

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November Sales Up

Diamond Comic Distributors released their November numbers for comic book and graphic novel sales. Marvel rebounded from the trouncing DC Comics gave them back in October, the two giant comic publishers are now neck and neck both in unit share and dollar share.

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X-Men Legacy #259

Continuing the Regenesis saga in the aftermath of Schism, the latest issue of Mike Carey's X-Men title was released alongside the flagship title last week. Again following the movements of Rogue, Gambit and Magneto, we now follow them after their escapades in space as they travel eastward to Westchester.

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Uncanny X-Men #2

With the X-Men split into two camps, Cyclops and Wolverine lead two very different teams of X-Men headquartered in San Francisco and Westchester respectively. While Wolverine reopened the school in Westchester, Cyclops remained on Utopia with mutantkind's established figures to continue their fight for survival in a world that hates and fears them.

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