Tag Mark Waid

Mark Waid

52 weeks. 52 different writers. 2 trade paperbacks or hardcovers a week. Each week I’ll take a look at a different writer and read two different collected editions from within that person’s repertoire to help in the examination of their work: Mark Waid.

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Righting the editorial ship

There are very few praises I will sing for Mark Waid, and while this may sound as though I’m preparing to lambaste the current Daredevil scribe once again, I’m not. To his credit he has been a driving force behind the comic book industry's evolution as it steps towards its digital age, understanding what it is we're on the precipice of and making an effort to embrace it. A second point I give him credit for is the crux of this post he made in 2009 on the very necessity of the comic book editor.

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Daredevil #7

Daredevil has swashbuckled his way past low level villains and has continued to deny his connection to Daredevil, that is until he stumbled onto a plot involving Hydra and A.I.M. and the uniforms made famous by Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four.

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Daredevil #1

Coming off the worst stretch of his life, Matt Murdock left New York and travelled cross-country to find himself. After a brief stay in New Mexico, Murdock rediscovered his nature after helping a small town overcome its problem with some aggressive locals. Upon returning to New York though, Murdock must face the consequences of his actions.

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