Covered 365: Day 147
Thor #147, Marvel Comics, February 1967 – Artist: Jack Kirby. Jack Kirby is an artist we sometimes take too much for granted. The King was a master of motion as is evident in this great battle scene. Throw in some…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Thor #147, Marvel Comics, February 1967 – Artist: Jack Kirby. Jack Kirby is an artist we sometimes take too much for granted. The King was a master of motion as is evident in this great battle scene. Throw in some…
Tales of the Unexpected #16, DC Comics, August 1957. This Spotlight pick was inspired by a chat I was having with Mike Huddleston (come to think of it a lot of my Spotlight picks come to me while chatting with Mike…
In today’s installment of “The First Six” we will take a look at the start of The Mighty Thor in the Journey Into Mystery title. About a month ago I was researching Marvels early beginnings and use of Norse Mythology…
Journey into Mystery #85, Marvel Comics, October 1962. Last Saturday evening my kid decides we should all watch Thor 2; I wanted to watch the Habs/Senators game. So Thor 2 starts and I kind of like it, I actually thought it was better than the first one. Near the end of the movie my kid mumbles something like “I really like Loki, he’s smart and crafty”. Woah!
This year on February 9th, the Vaughan Winterfest celebrated its 25th anniversary. It is a great event that helps break up the monotony of a long winter, especially with the abundance of snow and cold temperatures we've had this year.
I tried something new for Friday of Fan Expo… Cosplay. I have written before about portraying Captain America at different comic events. But this time it was my first time being in Cosplay at the biggest comic event in Canada. …
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days.
The pictures from Kenneth Branagh’s Thor keep rolling in, and they keep making the Marvel panel at Comic Con my most anticipated event of the coming weekend. The pictures so far look really, really campy and kind of plastic. I…