Covered 365: Day 306
Wolverine #306, Marvel Comics, July 2012. Artist: Chris Samnee. What did Chris Samnee do to the cover of Wolverine #306? I’m not sure but one thing I am sure of is I want a copy. If it wasn’t for Samnee’s…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Wolverine #306, Marvel Comics, July 2012. Artist: Chris Samnee. What did Chris Samnee do to the cover of Wolverine #306? I’m not sure but one thing I am sure of is I want a copy. If it wasn’t for Samnee’s…
Captain America #305, Marvel Comics, March 1985. Artist: Paul Neary. I thought Day #305 was so so, the best of the bunch for me was Paul Neary’s Captain America #305 cover. Todd McFarlane continues to impress with a solid cover…
Thor #304, Marvel Comics, February 1981. Artist: Keith Pollard. Today I liked Keith Pollard’s Thor against the world cover for Thor #304. I’ve seem many of these cute Marvel cover but I think Dale Keown’s take on Wolverine #304 super…
Batman #292, DC Comics, October 1977. Artist: Jim Aparo. Least amount of options today, I counted 36 covers to choose from. At least there was a clear winner, Jim Aparo at it again with another strong cover for Batman #292.…
Thor #281, Marvel Comics, April 1983. Artist: Keith Pollard. Keith Pollard gives us a great cover for Thor #281, complete with some Kirby Krackle. We get a full dose of the Thunder God and an up close look at the…
X-Factor #234, Marvel Comics, June 2012. Artist: David Yardin. David Yardin wallpaper, I’d buy some. Mr. Yardin has a style to his own, have a look at X-Factor #234, really good stuff from David Yardin. Neal Adams flushes out the…
House of Mystery #206, DC Comics, September 1972. Artist: Tony DeZuniga. Psychiatrist’s office – “Mr. Durajlija you seem to have an obsession with Scarecrows, tell me about your childhood on the farm”… Tony DeZuniga draws a mean scarecrow on the…
Amazing Spider-Man #200, January 1980: The Spider and the Burglar… A Sequel. Cover by John Romita Sr., pencils Keith Pollard, inks Jim Mooney. Story by Marv Wolfman and special guest writer Stan Lee. Sometimes a good buy can be right…