Web Arted #353
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Cheung, Morales, Bertram, Chaykin, Buscema, Bolton.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Cheung, Morales, Bertram, Chaykin, Buscema, Bolton.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Buscema, Kida, Bolland, Bolton, Byrne, Giordano, Bradstreet.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Bolton, Rogers, Crane, Shalvey, Frank.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Adams, Palmer, Patterson, Bolland, Bolton, Brunner, Bunkers,
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Kane, Wood, Adkins, Kirby, Whitney, Bolton, Windsor-Smith, Wiacek.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly at the ComicLink Fall Featured Auction 2014.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly at the Heritage Comic & Comic Art Signature Auction November 20-22 2014.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly at the ComicLink Summer Featured Auction.
Last week I came across an almost complete run of the 1980's Marvel Magazine Epic Illustrated in ultra- high grade raw shape. So I bought them all! Now Epic Illustrated has been on the radar ever since it was announced that Marvel was doing a movie version of Jim Starlin's Vanth Dreadstar character from Metamorphosis Odyssey.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly from ComicConnect's June Event Auction.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days.
The year end is almost upon us and I thought to gather a list of reprints from the last year that I greatly enjoyed. Use it as a Christmas list for discerning comic fans on your shopping list.
A complete collection of Claremont and Bolton's run from Epic Illustrated, Marada The She-Wolf is a gripping sword-and-sorcery tale.