Creator Owned?
Do the big 2 need to provide a solid creator owned platform for their regular talent? Or is it better that Marvel and DC maintain a primary mind-set of “Our property, edited our way.”? allowing the second tier publishers…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Do the big 2 need to provide a solid creator owned platform for their regular talent? Or is it better that Marvel and DC maintain a primary mind-set of “Our property, edited our way.”? allowing the second tier publishers…
As reboots go, PROPHET is somewhat out of the ordinary. Image’s update bears only a passing resemblance to the Extreme title from the ’90s on which it is based. Yet instead of beginning at the beginning with a #1, the…
WILD CHILDREN Written by Ales Kot Art by Riley Rossmo Colors/edits by Gregory Wright Letters by Clayton Cowles Published July 2012 by Image Comics 64 pages, full color Order online: Amazon, Book Depository Much like its protagonists, WILD CHILDREN is…
This week I wanted something different to read. So I asked the Twitter-verse to help me out and tell me which comics I should pick up this week (you can follow me too @EdCampbell_CBD). Just using the hash-tags #comic, #comicbooks and…
This is one of the few comics I had trouble waiting on the collected edition: a new book from Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips is reason enough to pick it up, and having just consumed Fatale Book One: Death Chases…
Another Image book that garnered a lot of buzz is The Strange Talent Of Luther Strode. Luther Strode is just your average geek until he sends for an exercise course from the back of an old comic book. What he…
Last week I picked up the much hyped and strangely British America’s got Powers (IMAGE) by TV funny man Jonathan Ross and newly freelance Bryan Hitch, whom actually celebrated his birthday on Sunday. I was lucky enough to pick up…
Lots of internet chatter over Near Death, so I pre-ordered the trade paperback and tore my way through it when it arrived. [quote]The critically acclaimed crime series is collected for the first time, featuring exclusive bonus material. Meet Markham, a…
Originally printed in 2005 as L’Ultima Battaglia by The Walt Disney Company Italia, The Last Battle by Tito Faraci and Dan Brereton is an English translation published by Image Comics. [quote]In 52 BCE, General Caius Rodius, retired hero of Caesar’s…
British artist Bryan Hitch leaves Marvel after a solid decade, producing some of the industry’s best-loved work AND completing his piece in Marvel’s “foundation of 2012” (with Bendis), Ultron War, Hitch confirmed on Twitter… “my end is done!”. Hitch began his…
I kept hearing things about a new mini series; snippets of praise for Who Is Jake Ellis? from Image Comics. The trade paperback was released last week and I breezed through it.
New York Comicon 2011 just passed and here are my top five announcements. Dive right in.
Turf from Jonathan Ross and Tommy Lee Edwards looked interesting; 1929 New York with a vampire problem and aliens. After reading it I think they should have done 1929 New York with vampires and a second book with 1929 New…
Every week Comic Book Daily asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers; we’ll be doing this for 52 weeks. What's the best comic on the shelves today (readily available) and why?
Via their weekly retailer newsletter Image Comics announced they would be adopting the same ratings system DC uses. Here’s the full text: [quote]Greetings, retail partners! We have some exciting news this week and we wanted you to hear it first:…
Whosoever Holds this Hammer appears every Tuesday exclusively on Comic Book Daily. I was looking through the Previews this week. Normally I try to read it cover to cover, but I generally skim past the Image section. Why does every…
Dan Brereton has been pigeon-holed as an artist of horror and horror comics. Image has published Dan Brereton: The Goddess & The Monster, a hardcover art book collecting various horror illustrations. Let the pigeon-holing continue. Here’s the publisher’s blurb: After…
Writer and Image Comics partner Robert Kirkman has launched Skybound, an imprint designed to recruit and showcase the next generation of comic creators. Announced in today’s New York Times, Skybound will make its official debut on Thursday during Kirkman’s Comic-Con…
Starting this summer, my beloved CASANOVA (by Matt Fraction and the Brothers Ba & Moon) will be returning to the comic book world. My heart sings. It’s being published by Marvel under their “Icon” line rather than Image—which means that…
Check out what comics and graphic novels will be hitting your local comic book shop this Wednesday, March 10th. Included are new Batman and Robin. Another installment of the Classic-In-The-Making storyline from the boys at BPRD. Oh and one of my favourite comics coming out right now: Jersey Gods!