Torpedo Volume 4

We’re finally presented with Torpedo Volume 4, originally solicited for November 2011. [quote]Book Four of Abuli and Bernet’s masterpiece, Torpedo, continues Luca Torelli’s adventures in the stinking, crime-infested waters known as New York City. There Luca and his crony pal,…

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Mystery Society

After enjoying the preview images for Saga I started a hunt to read some Fiona Staples material, and came across Mystery Society during my Boxing Day sale shopping. [quote]Nick Hammond and Anastasia Collins are the Mystery Society and bring new…

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London’s Super Convention

On the weekend of February 25th–26th,  London’s Super Convention will be taking over the Excel Centre at the heart of London’s Royal Docks.   Sold with quite a few mouth-watering prospects including the great Stan Lee himself, whom makes his first appearance at a comic convention…

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Mullaney Interview

Comic Book Resources has a wonderful interview with Dean Mullaney, creative director of The Library Of American Comics, an IDW imprint that has given us a wealth of comic strip reprints.  We’re in a golden age of reprints and Mullaney…

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Turtle Power

When Nickelodeon bought the Turtles from Peter Laird in 2009, I wasn't sure what they would do with them but I was pretty sure it was going to be too kid oriented for my tastes. While my love of the Turtles was first spawned with the cartoon in the late 80's, it was the first film and the comic that really grabbed me.

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