Covered 365: Day 144
Girl’s Romances #144, DC Comics, October 1971, Artist – Nick Cardy Incredible Hulk #144, Marvel Comics, October 1971, Artist – Herb Trimpe I’m excited to announce Covered 365’s 1st tie! I just could not pick a winner here so I…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Girl’s Romances #144, DC Comics, October 1971, Artist – Nick Cardy Incredible Hulk #144, Marvel Comics, October 1971, Artist – Herb Trimpe I’m excited to announce Covered 365’s 1st tie! I just could not pick a winner here so I…
Journey Into Mystery #112, Marvel Comics, January 1965 – Artist: Jack Kirby. I was jonesing for a battle cover today but could not pick between Fantastic Four #112 and JIM #112, at the end of the day it was the…
Incredible Hulk #104, Marvel Comics, June 1968 – Artist: Marie Severin. Such a stand out cover here, great colors, great scene and great demand for this baby. Young Love #104 is a must have and I liked the X-Men #104…
Tales to Astonish #93 – Marvel Comics, July 1967 – Artist: Marie Severin. Such an iconic cover from Marie Severin. TTA #93 has always stood out in piles of Marvel Silver Age. Today in the Marvel U there are few…
Incredible Hulk #2, Marvel Comics, July 1962. I’ve always been a fan of second appearances! Have I not mentioned that Undervalued Spotlight #79 is the most read Spotlight ever? I think others like second appearances too. His week I turn…
Tales to Astonish #59, Marvel Comics, September 1964. I was reading up on some Hulk history recently and was surprised at just how sparsely the big guy was used in the early days of Marvel. Hulk is one of the…
We are going to take Arcs & Runs in a slightly different direction this week and look at a Silver Age run of issue #4’s. Yes #4. I have listened to all the love and support for issue #2’s and…
Fantastic Four #12, Marvel Comics, March 1963 I was talking to a comic collector recently about the allure of those round 12 cent Marvels. We counted them up and came up with 45 super-hero Marvel comics that have them, remembering…
Herb Trimpe, the man most associated with the Incredible Hulk, passed away Monday April 13th 2015 at the age of 75. Herb was a member of the that small club of artists at Marvel during the Silver and Bronze age that…
Incredible Hulk #250, Marvel Comics, (August 1980) It’s been DC heavy on the Spotlight for the last little while so let’s feature a big fat Marvel. I came across this week’s Spotlight pick while pricing up a pile of comics…
“Dear Doc Curmudgeon” is a column by Clint McElroy made up of completely fabricated responses to mostly fabricated questions. But you knew that due to your discerning nature and brilliant mind which would never fall for a columnist trying to…
However, the more I think about Marvel Now the more I feel that success (or lack thereof) is mostly owed to these unique interpretations. When I talk with fans at conventions or comic book shops they either love or hate what is going on in Marvel Now. And I think that is primarily due to the fact that the concepts behind Marvel Now are all or nothing; you either love them or or hate them because they are What If? stories.
Sub-Mariner #34 and #35, Marvel Comics, February and March 1971 Sub-Mariner #34 – dead. Sub-Mariner #35 – deader. Sub-Mariner the title – Deadest. There are comic books out there that are slower than they should be and Sub-Mariner #34 is…
I recently had a stack of Hulks to price up. Easy peasy, especially once you get past #200. Not that many books above #200 avoid the bargain basement so I pulled out my #250, my #271, a few McFarlanes, a few Keowns and there you go.
Then I remembered that there was a Thunderbolts issue up later in the run. That has to be worth money, no? I looked it up and it was #449 and the guide value was only $6. Now a lot of $6 and $7 in the guide Hulks can only sell in the bargain bins but this is not one of them. My Hulk back issue bins never have this issue in stock; it is an in demand comic.
You’ve probably heard that Apple is the world’s most valuable company. But how do we know that, exactly? It’s actually a simple calculation: multiply the number of Apple’s shares outstanding by its current share price. Apple currently has approximately 940…
Auction Highlights #75, Comic Link January Focused Auction The Comic Link Focused Auction has just ended, all results below ended between Tuesday January 22nd and Friday January 25th. There were no big money books offered up on this auction; ComicLink…
Incredible Hulk #102, Marvel Comics, April 1968 Marvel Now is getting a lot of press and rightly so. Any time a comic publisher attempts some sort of relaunch fans pay attention. Marvel has had a few famous re-launches in its…
Heroes will get knocked down. Their morale will drain. Sometimes they can’t fight anymore. When that happens the hero has to look deep inside, and try to find that special something that made them a hero to begin with. Once…
Fun show this week as hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija talk about Iron Man 3 movie news, Captain America 2 movies news, Avengers movie news, Batman movie news and Spider-Man movie news, boy that’s a lot of movie news.…
Putting aside any jokes about this being an Oz-like shower scene, this cover is disturbing and hilarious on a number of levels. I like to interpret it as a metaphor: Ed McGuinness is claiming the title of “artist of absurd musculature” from Rob Liefield.