Undervalued Spotlight #475
Incredible Hulk #104, Marvel Comics, June 1968. I had a little run of Hulk’s come in last week and there were some nice tight copies in the 110s and 120s to admire, these were stunning copies and we’ll send a…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Incredible Hulk #104, Marvel Comics, June 1968. I had a little run of Hulk’s come in last week and there were some nice tight copies in the 110s and 120s to admire, these were stunning copies and we’ll send a…
Incredible Hulk #340, Marvel Comics, February 1988. Artist: Todd McFarlane. A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era. Similar to Thor #337 in…
Detective Comics #339, DC Comics, May 1965. Artist: Carmine Infantino. A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era. I read somewhere Julius Schwarz…
Thor #336, Thor Comics, October 1983. Artist: Bob Layton. A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era. Day 336 was a very rough…
Incredible Hulk #333, Marvel Comics, July 1987. Artist: Steve Geiger. A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era. It’s funny but I’ve been…
Incredible Hulk #3, Marvel Comics, September 1962. I’m staying on course this week and zeroing in on rock-solid books that still have room to grow, books that deliver blue-chip quality and still have some upside. This week I want to…
Amazing Spider-Man #313, Marvel Comics, March 1898. Artist: Todd McFarlane. It was really tight between the Hulk cover and the Spidey cover but in the end I thought I’d award the originality and ferociousness of Todd McFarlane’s cover to Amazing…
Hulk #311, Marvel Comics, September 1985. Artist: Mike Mignola. A classic comic book cover scene, albeit with role reversal, you can really see Mike Mignola’s Hellboy art style in the skulls on the eye catching cover of Hulk #311. Todd…
Flash #310, DC Comics, June 1982. Artist: Keith Giffen. I really like how Keith Giffen laid out the cover to Flash #310, the colour strike on the cover is a treat as well. There has been a nice batch of…
Incredible Hulk #309, Marvel Comics, July 1985. Artist: Mike Mignola. Day 309 was a tough day, the four I picked I liked but there was no clear winner for me. Mike Mignola’s cover to Hulk #309 gave me a Frazetta…
Avengers #303, Marvel Comics, May 1989. Artist: John Buscema. I’m such a John Buscema fanboy, I saw his cover to Avengers #303 and it sent me back to that late 60s style of his that produced so many classic covers.…
Wonder Woman #298, DC Comics, December 1982. Artist: Frank Miller. Frank Miller’s cover to Wonder Woman #298 is certainly attention-grabbing and wins the day for its shock factor. Kevin Nowlan gives us a stylistic cover to Hulk #298 that I…
Incredible Hulk #297, Marvel Comics, July 1984. Artist: Bill Sienkiewicz. The water effect is fantastic on Bill Sienkiewicz’s cover to Hulk #297, that is some funky art right there. I really like Lee Week’s Typhoid Mary cover on Daredevil #297.…
Batman #292, DC Comics, October 1977. Artist: Jim Aparo. Least amount of options today, I counted 36 covers to choose from. At least there was a clear winner, Jim Aparo at it again with another strong cover for Batman #292.…
Conan #275, Marvel Comics, December 1993, Artist: Colin MacNeil. Colin MacNeil finally got Conan’s face right on his dramatic and fitting cover to Conan #275, the final issue in the epic run. This cover has always been a favourite of…
House of Mystery #267, DC Comics, April 1979, Artist: Mike Kaluta. Beautiful haunting cover from Mike Kaluta on House of Mystery #267, Kaluta is amazing. I had a flashback to the early days of Covered 365 thanks to Al Milgrom’s…
Incredible Hulk #250, Marvel Comics, August 1980, Artist: Al Milgrom. I mentioned this in the comments of Day 248 but I thought I’d put it in the body of the post for the big Day 250. With the cover selections…
Four Color #246, Eastern Color, September 1949, Artist: Morris Gollub. We’ve seen Morris Gollub here before and I hope we see more of him real soon. All the Zane Grey Four Color covers are very cool and unique, Four Color…
House of Mystery #193, DC Comics, August 1971. Artist: Bernie Wrightson. I can’t think of a better hand off than Neal Adams passing the torch over to Bernie Wrightson on the House of Mystery run at issue #193. I personally…
Incredible Hulk #181, Marvel Comics, November 1974. Artist: Herb Trimpe with John Romita getting credit for some alterations. I had to do it guys, I had to go with Hulk #181. It’s nice when a mega key like this can…