Web Arted Feb 10th
Web Arted Feb 10th: Guarnido, Hughes, Infantino, Anderson, Miller, Noto, Mignola and more!
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Web Arted Feb 10th: Guarnido, Hughes, Infantino, Anderson, Miller, Noto, Mignola and more!
We've had our fair share of speculation regarding a Watchmen prequel, but now we know for sure. DC is on a roll and they want to keep the momentum building. How better to do that then resurrect one of their best selling properties.
Adam Hughes was at Boston Comicon this past weekend. I arrived at his table around 10:05 AM on the first day to find his sketch list well over ten names, which I knew meant he wouldn’t get to me even…