Week 30: Cute Couple
I thought I’d lead off with a memorable splash from DC New 52’s Catwoman #1, from November 2011. I remember when this dropped and it created quite a stir. Guillem March is the artist that will live in infamy, I…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
I thought I’d lead off with a memorable splash from DC New 52’s Catwoman #1, from November 2011. I remember when this dropped and it created quite a stir. Guillem March is the artist that will live in infamy, I…
52 weeks. 52 different writers. 2 trade paperbacks or hardcovers a week. Each week I’ll take a look at a different writer and read two different collected editions from within that person’s repertoire to help in the examination of their…
Judd Winick. His name polarizes comic book readers it seems. Gracing everything from Green Lantern to Green Arrow, and up to and including Outsiders and Batman, the writer returns to the Batman universe for a three issue arc on Batman and Robin with a story centered on the character he brought back from the grave. Jason Todd returns in this issue, but just what is up his sleeve is anyone's guess. Onward ho!