Tag Green Lantern

Green Lantern Corps #4

A mysterious force has been killing Green Lanterns left and right and John and Guy have taken a team deep into space to end this intergalactic threat. The team arrives on the planet Xabas, only to come face-to-face with the Keepers. The Keepers quickly dispatch many of the Lanterns and gain the upper hand and force Guy and John to call a retreat. Many of them transport back to Oa using one of the present Lantern's natural teleportation powers, but they quickly find that Stewart and a small number of Lanterns have been left behind to fight for their lives.

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New DC Absolutes

DC Comics has announced via their blog, where all their news comes from, two new Absolute editions for next year. [quote]Coming in September 2012, ABSOLUTE GREEN LANTERN: SINESTRO CORPS WAR will collect the story of Sinestro’s bid for totalitarian control…

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Green Lantern #3

Spiraling out of the events of The War of the Green Lanterns, the Green Lantern title found itself in uncharted territory with long-time GL antagonist Sinestro back in the green and black. Volume five of Green Lantern is now three issues into its run, all with the greatest Green Lantern (villain) at the helm of the title. The question is whether the title is still holding its weight as a story.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #1

In the aftermath of the War of the Green Lanterns, Kyle Rayner was left without his girlfriend, and was escorted from Oa after defending the Guardians from an attack from Corps members hoping to assassinate Sinestro. Now off on his own, Rayner must new face challenges both from himself and from familiar allies and enemies alike.

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Red Lanterns #1

Alongside the other relaunched DC titles is a new series featuring the Red Lanterns in their own book, in addition to the other three Green Lantern series. Red Lanterns is penned by Peter Milligan, with the first issue having been released last week alongside Green Lantern.

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Green Lantern #67

Green Lantern #67 arrived in stores last week, and with its arrival, the War of the Green Lanterns epic also concluded. With this issue, volume four of the title ended. The only question is whether it ended on a low-note or a high one. Forward!

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