Week 44: Five Pretty Pennies
Earlier this week I posted some opinions on the hot market for Copper Age books so I thought I’d try to dig up a few and feature some splash pages, always trying to stay topical… I found the colours a…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Earlier this week I posted some opinions on the hot market for Copper Age books so I thought I’d try to dig up a few and feature some splash pages, always trying to stay topical… I found the colours a…
This week I’m going to start a new feature, every week I get some books ready to post on our eBay’s no reserve auctions. I have a quick look for completeness etc and I’m noting some pretty cool splash pages.…
Honestly, I’m not even sure how valid my observation is this week. I’m doing it by feel, this is the way I feel about the subject and I’ve somehow morphed this feeling and lack of awareness into a full-blown summation…
So this whole post started off innocently enough, I liked this Frank Brunner splash and this Frank Cho splash so I thought I’d add one or two more Franks’s and give it a cute name like Being Frank. Whoa! There…
Wonder Woman #298, DC Comics, December 1982. Artist: Frank Miller. Frank Miller’s cover to Wonder Woman #298 is certainly attention-grabbing and wins the day for its shock factor. Kevin Nowlan gives us a stylistic cover to Hulk #298 that I…
Amazing Spider-Man #285, Marvel Comics, February 1987. Artist: Mike Zeck. Mike Zeck! I didn’t realize he had so many great covers, well he obviously had a thing for rooftops and I like the results on his cover to Amazing Spider-Man…
World’s Finest #255, DC Comics, March 1979, Artist: Jim Aparo. I’ve caught myself looking at your picks for the next day and felt they were swaying my decisions, it’s like I wanted to be nice to everybody. Well, it doesn’t…
Captain America #241, Marvel Comics, January 1980, Artist: Frank Miller. Frank Miller’s cover to Captain America #241 has always been a standout and its always been an in-demand book. The dream team of Neal Adams pencils and Bernie Wrightson inks…
Avengers #223, Marvel Comics, September 1982. Artist: Ed Hannigan. For you guys that follow the Undervalued Spotlight you might have suspected I would pick this. Ed Hannigan’s cover is awesome, Nuff said. Nice to see Andy Warhol do a cover…
Amazing Spider-Man #203, Marvel Comics, April 1980. Artist: Frank Miller and Jim Mooney. I clearly recall trying to hoard Amazing Spider-Man #203, I thought Dazzler was a character on the rise and a very early appearance embedded in the Amazing…
I just picked up issue one of Superman Year One by Frank Miller and John Romita Jr. This is one of DC’s new Black Label imprint, which features stories outside of DC’s regular continuity and geared towards a more discerning,…
Avengers #187, Marvel Comics, September 1979. Artist: John Byrne. I lined up a bunch of great covers including House of Mystery #186 and Amazing Spider-Man #186 but none were as visually impactful as John Byrne’s great cover to Avengers #187. Superman…
Daredevil #179, Marvel Comics, February 1982, Artist: Frank Miller/Klaus Jansen. Frank Miller and Klaus Jansen combine to make this visually stunning, and alarming if you are a Daredevil fan, cover for Daredevil #179. Beast mode for Neal Adams on House…
I went to this year’s Fan Expo looking, as I always do, for some series that I either missed, or didn’t know existed, and this year was no exception. Now I am usually art driven first and story second. Jackson”Butch”…
Superman #400, DC Comics, October 1984. Well, here we are at Undervalued Spotlight #400. I think this is a great time to thank you all for your continued support and thoughtful comments. Your comments, whether in the shop, at comic…
I just jumped in the deep end. I am an admitted Son of the Silver Age, Marvel Silver Age to be precise. I came to the conclusion at the ripe old age of ten that I was a Marvel guy.…
So, I was looking through one of my bookcases full of graphic novels, artists profiles, Jack Kirby Collectors et cetera, for something to peruse and ran my fingers across the TPB of Daredevil Born Again. My finger stopped. My mind…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Miller, Adams, Messmer, Kubert, Lee, Williams, Palmer, Weiss.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Outcault, Miller, Janson, Oliff, Adams, Fine, Byrne.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Adams, Miller, Wiacek, Heck, Wood, Raymond, Frazetta.