Tag Frank Cho

Avengers vs. X-Men #0

Since her birth in the Alaskan cold in the 2007 X-Men crossover Messiah Complex, Hope Summers has been the central figure in all mutant related stories. From her role in the latest Cable series which lead to her return to the present during Second Coming, Hope has been an integral player in Marvel's plans for the X-books, destined to either save the mutant race from extinction or to destroy the world. That wasn't even the beginning of the complete story mind you, as the planning for this crossover stretches as far back as the 2005 mini-series House of M which resulted in the mutant gene being wiped out by the Scarlet Witch.

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X-Men Schism #4

Last week the fourth issue of the X-Men event of the year was released, with tensions rising to a fevered pitch in Jason Aaron’s Schism story. This week CBD takes a look at the penultimate issue of the mini-series as round one of Cyclops vs. Wolverine begins.

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