Undervalued Spotlight #116
Flash Vol. 2, #164, DC Comics, September 2000 Did DC’s New 52 save the print comic book industry? Or did it just stave off the demise of the brick and mortar comic book stores by 3 or 4 years? Time…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Flash Vol. 2, #164, DC Comics, September 2000 Did DC’s New 52 save the print comic book industry? Or did it just stave off the demise of the brick and mortar comic book stores by 3 or 4 years? Time…
Back in January DC finally provided a name for the mysterious, hooded woman who has maintained frequent, lurking appearances strung throughout their relaunched line of titles. The character, who first appeared in Flashpoint, is largely responsible for the realignment of the multiverse in the DCU, creating a storyline cause and effect of the DCU status quo. That character's name is Pandora, and in the sixth issue of Justice League, released this week, a back-up story featuring an exchange between the Phantom Stranger and Pandora is given as a bonus.
Last week the fifth and final issue of "Flashpoint" was release, resetting the DCU in the process.
Some of DC's brightest creators involved in the Flashpoint mini-series spoke to fans for an hour on Aug. 26 at Fan Expo during the Flashpoint Friday DC panel.
Everything changed in a flash, and before he knew what happened, Barry Allen's life as he knew it was dramatically changed. With nothing as it should be, Barry painstakingly attempts to solve Zoom's puzzle before the memories of his former life are replaced forever.
There are some great topics on this weeks show. Hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija discuss film studios abandoning the San Diego Comicon, the last issue of the Uncanny X-Men, the return of Valiant and of course, DC’s move to…
We're back again this week with the other major comic book crossover offering this summer, Flashpoint. This week Flashpoint and Fear Itself both saw releases so it only seemed fitting to look at them both. Here...we...GO!
This week’s show is a lot of fun. Hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija discuss Mark Waid’s comments about the die-hards hijacking the monthly comic schedule, DC’s Flashpoint event, the new X-Men: First Class movie and a whole bunch of…
Great show this week as hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija discuss DC’s Flashpoint, the Thor movie, the new Richie Rich comic, the new Batman movie with Bane and Arnold the Govenator’s troubles. The guys also discuss this year’s coming…
Having stopped reading the Flash series some time ago, I wasn't sure what to expect from this first issue. I had read issue 12 for the necessary direct set-up to this mini-series to get an idea of where Johns had taken the Barry Allen Flash series and how that tied into Flashpoint.
I was no where near the internet yesterday, so I missed the explosion of FLASHPOINT teasers. However, it looks like some of those teasers now have answers! CLICK HERE to see more. To be honest, I had no interest in…