The Heavyweight Champion of the World
My pal Dennis De Pues dropped in last week and was hunting down some old Fantastic Four issues. I had to listen to him talk about how great the title was in the 60s, I might have yawned once or…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
My pal Dennis De Pues dropped in last week and was hunting down some old Fantastic Four issues. I had to listen to him talk about how great the title was in the 60s, I might have yawned once or…
Fantastic Four #330, Marvel Comics, September 1989. Artist: Rich Buckler. A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era. Day 330 was disappointing, I…
Doh!!!! Just realized I posted this a day early – apologies. X-Men #320, Marvel Comics, January 1995. Artist: Mike Joe Madureira. Joe Madureira gives us such a great sense of motion on his cover to X-Men #320, the more I…
Fantastic Four #28, Marvel Comics, July 1964. On the back issue comic market the two most speculated Marvel titles for a while now have been the Fantastic Four (FF) and the X-Men, and why not, a massive fan base eagerly…
Captain America #280, Marvel Comics, April 1983. Artist: Mike Zeck. I think Day 280 is a good day, lead by Mike Zeck’s very strong cover to Captain America #283. John Byrne’s cover to Fantastic Four #280 caught my eye, funny…
Four Color #247, Eastern Color, September 1949, Artist: Paul Norris. I’ve always wondered where that light bulb missing from my dining room chandelier went to. Now I know. Paul Norris took it! And he put it on Flash Gordon’s head…
Superman #243, DC Comics, October 1971, Artist: Neal Adams. I tried so hard not to pick this cover, but this boy from the Balkans knows what he likes and I really like Neal Adams’ cover to Superman #243. Apologies to…
Fantastic Four #236, Marvel Comics, November 1981. Artist: John Byrne, Marie Severin. I love this 20th Anniversary celebration cover to Fantastic Four #236 by John Byrne and Marie Severin. Yikes, I consider this a modern book and its 38 years…
House of Mystery #206, DC Comics, September 1972. Artist: Tony DeZuniga. Psychiatrist’s office – “Mr. Durajlija you seem to have an obsession with Scarecrows, tell me about your childhood on the farm”… Tony DeZuniga draws a mean scarecrow on the…
Famous Funnies #191, Eastern Color, December 1950. Artist: Uncredited. Great cover on Famous Funnies #191, a nice little foreshadowing of more great space covers to come. The Strange Adventure #191 caught my attention as a small thumbnail and I had…
Fantastic Four #11, Marvel Comics, February 1963. Here’s another book I pulled off the “future Spotlight” shelf, it’s a book I’ve owned many times and it just may be the most liquid issue of the Fantastic Four between #6 and…
Fantastic Four #158, Marvel Comics, May 1975 – Artist: Rich Buckler. Day 158 was a tough one, there was no clear winner so I went with my favorite of the bunch and growing up in the 70s has obviously influenced…
Fantastic Four #156, Marvel Comics, March 1975 – Artist: Rich Buckler. Fantastic Four #156 has always been one of my personal favorite Doctor Doom covers, we even get some Kirby Krackle. I did notice the rainbow Blackhawk cover, hard to…
After 69 years in the comics industry, Joltin’ Joe Sinnott has officially retired…again. He first retired 29 years ago but since that time has been inking the Amazing Spider-Man newspaper strip over Alex Saviuk’s pencils. Joe Sinnott is considered by…
Fantastic Four Annual #1, Marvel Comics 1963. Ok here’s a first for Comic Book Daily (I think). After much deliberation I’ve decided to dust off Mike Huddleston’s old Overvalued Overstreet #14 featuring Fantastic Four Annual #1, which he posted almost…
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era. Fantastic Four #72 – Marvel Comics, March 1968 – Artist: Jack Kirby. Day 72 had…
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era. Fantastic Four #68 – Marvel Comics, November 1967 – Artist: Jack Kirby. US Marines #68…
IDW has published a new series of oversized Marvel signed and numbered artist collections in hardcover. Don’t ask me what IDW is doing publishing these but since they are now publishing a kid-friendly line for Marvel, maybe we shouldn’t be…
Fantastic Four #10, Marvel Comics, January 1963. Stan Lee passed away yesterday, Monday, November 12th, 2018. My condolences to Mr. Lee’s family and friends. I’ll always remember where I was when I heard of Stan Lee’s death, I’ll also remember the…
Fantastic Four #3, Marvel Comics, March 1962. There are very few titles hotter than Fantastic Four at the moment, the 1st issue is officially out of reach for the most of us while issues #4 (Sub-Mariner re-into) and #5 (Doctor…