Fan Expo 2013 | Final Thoughts
A week has gone by since Fan Expo. I’ve had time to relax (sort of) and decompress from 4 full days of Fan Expo fun. This being my third Fan Expo in a row, I can sit back and compare…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
A week has gone by since Fan Expo. I’ve had time to relax (sort of) and decompress from 4 full days of Fan Expo fun. This being my third Fan Expo in a row, I can sit back and compare…
Bitten is a new series coming to television in early 2014, and the cast of this new show were at Fan Expo. Bitten is about a woman named Elena Michaels, who is the world’s only female werewolf. She is trying…
On Fan Expo Sunday, Spider-Man fans got a chance to talk to the man, Dan Slott, about everything going on with our “not so friendly Superior Spider-Man”. The panel included artist Mark Brooks, artist Ryan Stegman, assistant Editor Ellie Pyle…
One of the biggest stories to come out of Fan Expo has nothing to do with comic books or video games but rather the convention itself. Fan Expo Canada has been acquired by the multinational Informa; see the press release…
FanExpo opens today and I have the good fortune of hosting a panel on Canadian war-time (WECA) comics. I urge all readers who are attending FanExpo on Sunday to attend this panel if they have the opportunity because we expect…
And so my friends, we find ourselves a week away from the largest of the Canadian comic conventions, Fan Expo. Cosplayers are furiously working on their costumes, collectors are going over their lists, store owners are packing up product, and…