Say it ain’t so Joe
In 2019 I was presented with a plaque by the folks that put on Fan Expo, Canada’s biggest comic con. Big B Comics had set up at all 25 Fan Expos, I think we were one of 3 such comic…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
In 2019 I was presented with a plaque by the folks that put on Fan Expo, Canada’s biggest comic con. Big B Comics had set up at all 25 Fan Expos, I think we were one of 3 such comic…
Last week I was asked if I was setting up at Fan Expo Limited Edition in Toronto and I didn’t have an answer. The three-day show runs October 22 – 24, 2021 and I have no idea if I’m going…
Ontario extended our lockdown two extra weeks into mid May, booo! We’re running a bit behind on that “warehouse books to bigbcomics.com” project but I did put in a ton of work on the weekend and have over 600 books…
Having grown up during the Silver Age of comics, many of my favorite artists have unfortunately passed away. So the announcements over the last few years for Fan Expo in Toronto, haven’t gotten that rush of adrenaline happening for me.…
Well Fan Expo has once again come and gone, and this year I was only able to make it for the Saturday. I usually do a couple of days but alas, this year was not to be. Now usually every…
Another Fan Expo has come and gone, and this year, I had the good fortune of being able to set up as a vendor. In the past, I’ve set up at both the spring and winter show but I’ve always…
Fan Expo Vancouver took place on the first weekend of this month (April 3-5) and it was another big event. This year’s Fan Expo appears to have attendance that was bigger than previous years. The celebrities included Jennifer Morrison; Carrie…
I don't believe Fan Expo needs or really wants any press coverage: they have 100,000 or more email addresses of people who attend their show. A built-in captive audience they can sell to whom they know like the product they offer. One free pass means one body in the show who didn't pay and is taking a spot in a packed convention centre that could have been occupied by a paying customer.
Hell Yeah! Another year and another Fan Expo attendance record. Big B Comics has set up at every Fan Expo so far giving us a behind the table view of this dramatic growth over these past two decades. I heard…
Can you feel the excitement in the air faithful reader? Do you hear the sound of people printing out comic book wish-lists, or putting the final touches on Borderlands cosplay? That is because Fan Expo, the largest comic book convention…
There are only a few short days left before this year’s Fan Expo. Fan Expo will be August 28-31 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto. Fan Expo is one of those events that is very polarizing. Some people love…
There was a lot of buzz this week about Fan Expo. There were some rumours flying around that Fan Expo was going to limit the use of all costume “props and weapons”. You could bring them to the show, but…
Fan Expo Vancouver rolled into town on April 18 to 20. This was the third edition of Fan Expo in Vancouver and it was another big success. This year's Expo was expanded to three days instead of two, and it was a little unusual to fall on the Easter holiday weekend. Like the upcoming 2014 Fan Expo in Toronto, this year's Fan Expo Vancouver was scheduled on a holiday long weekend, and this may have prevented some folks from attending. On the bright side, the organizers seemed to have solved the long line-ups problem from last year, as this year's wait lines didn't seem as long as the ones from last year.
If you are planning on attending Fan Expo in Toronto this year, there is something to take into consideration. It's changed weekends.
I received an email from Hobbystar Marketing this week promoting guests of the upcoming Toronto ComiCon, March 7-9 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. This used to be a comics only affair every spring, for a while even having free admission. Since the death of Wizard World Toronto Hobbystar has positioned it as a mini Fan Expo, and why not.
When you're the only game in town as Informa Canada is, and as Hobbystar was before them, you get the luxury of setting the rules all others must play by. And when it comes to the point where that relative authority is challenged by another entity such as Wizard, that challenge will be met with a response of equal weight.
Well, Fan Expo has come and gone and I did it, I cosplayed for the first time. My costume came out pretty well if you ask me. Mostly because it was made by Super Suckers. I gathered and created all the accessories. CDB’s own Ed Campbell lent me the bow, which I think made the outfit!
Last Friday night the RAID Studio threw an unofficial bash as part of Fan Expo, Canada’s premiere pop culture event. Held at The Soho House on the corner of Adelaide and Simcoe, party-goers got a chance to enjoy cocktails and chat with artists, writers, and editors about their work, Fan Expo, and why Toronto is the place to be at the end of August.
Each year at Fan Expo I try to spend at least part of my time working retail. For lack of a better term I “started in the industry” in comic book retail and I always like returning to my roots.…
Fan Expo features hundred of artist and artisans. Every year when I wander through Artists Alley I will find one that has an interesting story, or offers something very kitschy or cool that I need to pick up. This year…