Tag Ethan Van Sciver

Geoff Johns

52 weeks. 52 different writers. 2 trade paperbacks or hardcovers a week.  Each week I’ll take a look at a different writer and read two different collected editions from within that person’s repertoire to help in the examination of their…

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ComicConnect December 2013 Event Auction Original Art

Another auction wrap up for ComicConnect, with the first of five sessions being original art that closed on Monday night. Unfortunately ComicConnect doesn't seem to provide browsing of items after the auction has closed so it's hard to see a solid recap of all activities, but you can save items in a Watch List. Some interesting items came up, and I've featured six below for discussion.

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The Fury of Firestorm #5

When DC relaunched its line of comic books in Sept. 2011, a plethora of characters previously without titles were given new life with books of their own. Many of the principle characters featured in Brightest Day have been featured, notably as identical or slightly intensified versions of themselves. In the case of Firestorm title, the writers have had to tackle the issue of including both Jason Rusch and Ronnie Raymond as the main characters in the book. The effort is additionally problematic considering the fickleness of the Firestorm fan base. This week CBD takes a look at the fifth issue of The Fury of Firestorm.

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Green Lantern #3

Spiraling out of the events of The War of the Green Lanterns, the Green Lantern title found itself in uncharted territory with long-time GL antagonist Sinestro back in the green and black. Volume five of Green Lantern is now three issues into its run, all with the greatest Green Lantern (villain) at the helm of the title. The question is whether the title is still holding its weight as a story.

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