Covered 365: Day 306
Wolverine #306, Marvel Comics, July 2012. Artist: Chris Samnee. What did Chris Samnee do to the cover of Wolverine #306? I’m not sure but one thing I am sure of is I want a copy. If it wasn’t for Samnee’s…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Wolverine #306, Marvel Comics, July 2012. Artist: Chris Samnee. What did Chris Samnee do to the cover of Wolverine #306? I’m not sure but one thing I am sure of is I want a copy. If it wasn’t for Samnee’s…
World’s Finest #283, DC Comics, September 1982. Artist: Rich Buckler. Rich Buckler’s cover to World’s Finest #283 wins hands down simply for the novelty. Is there another cover that attempts to create a half Superman/half Batman character. I wanted to…
Conan #274, Marvel Comics, November 1993, Artist: Colin MacNeil. What the heck?! Courage, that’s what it took to submit this cover to the editor. Hats off to Colin MacNeil for his cover to Conan #274, it gave me a Crazy…
Four Color #256, Eastern Color, December 1949, Artist: Carl Barks. What do you get when you add lots of sky blue to a great Carl Barks drawing? Walt’s cover of the day! Four Color #256 is feel-good comic art from…
Superman #233, DC Comics, January 1971. Artist: Neal Adams. Neal Adams steals the show with his iconic cover to Superman #233, this cover just stands out. One of my favourite comics in my collection is Undercover Girl #6 so it’s…
Strange Adventures #218, DC Comics, June 1969. Artist: Neal Adams. I love the Neal Adams cover to Strange Adventures #218, Adams’ take on 217 fell short with too much shading but the almost psychedelic #218 looks great. Ernie Chan does…
House of Secrets #134, DC Comics, August 1975 – Artist: Ernie Chan. August 1975 must have been a great month for covers, if you remember our Day #94 was August 1975’s X-Men #94. This Ernie Chan offering is outstanding giving…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Dillin, Greene, Heck, Ayers, Buscema, Windsor-Smith, Gan, Kane, Chan.
Well, I am officially an old guy. Rascally Roy Thomas otherwise known as Roy (The Boy) Thomas turned 76 on November 22nd. Not only was Roy Stan Lee’s first successor as Editor-In-Chief of Marvel comics and the carrier of the…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly at the ComicLink January 2015 Focused Auction.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly at the ComicLink Summer Featured Auction.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly at the Heritage Signature Auction #7097.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly from ComicLink's May Featured Auction.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly from ComicLink's May Featured Auction.