Web Arted #335
The complete story "The Master Race" by Bernie Krigstein from Impact #1.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
The complete story "The Master Race" by Bernie Krigstein from Impact #1.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: a complete Tales From The Crypt Jack Davis story.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days: Elder!
The third IDW Artist’s Edition (Following Dave Steven’s Rocketeer and Walter Simonson’s Thor) focuses on one of the all time greatest comic book artists, and at the absolute peak of his creative powers: Wally Wood. EC Comics was quite likely…
Taking the Artist’s Edition Index from print to the spoken word, join me monthly for a look at all things Artist’s Edition. This month we take a long look at shipping changes, December 2016 Previews solicitations, October 2016 current sales and out of print eBay sales, reviews of Usagi Yojimbo: The Artist and Other Stories Gallery Edition and Jack Davis’ EC Stories Artist’s Edition.
Jack Davis is one of the founding fathers of EC Comics; he is a master of horror, humor and nearly every other genre EC published. Aside from his work at EC, Davis is one of the most prolific and popular…
Diamond has updated Previews World with the November 2016 catalog. Scouring the full list this month shows one new Artist Edition book, advance solicited for March 2017 shipping. For complete details and daily updates visit our AE Index. Reed Crandall’s EC Stories…
EC Comics produced what is arguably the finest line of comics ever, and of all their titles, the horror books were the most popular. And the most acclaimed of the horror artists was Graham “Ghastly” Ingels, whose particular talents influenced…
Another astounding collection of Entertaining Comics original art, Best Of EC: Artist’s Edition, Volume Two is another must have volume from IDW. The second volume of Best of EC Artist’s Edition is—remarkably—just as good as volume one! Includes what can…
Happy New Year to all our readers! Last year was a powerhouse in comic books, but with 2013 a distant image in our rear view mirrors I now turn to 2014. Specifically those things in 2014 that have me awake at night with anticipation.
When I was a kid we didn’t get HBO in Canada, so the only time I ever got to watch the channel was on family vacations to the United States. This wasn’t so bad because HBO wasn’t always the bastion…
I started reading comics in 1980 when I spotted a G.I. Joe comic at my local Mac’s Milk store, having already enjoyed the new cartoon at my altogether tender age of eight. It didn’t take long for me to make…
Boo. Scared yet? Well you should be. Halloween is drawing closer and of course the nights of monsters and creepy things will once again be upon us. Bwah ha ha ha. Sorry, I get a little carried away with the…
(Whosoever Holds This Hammer appears every Tuesday exclusively on comicbookdaily.com) OOOOOOOOOO! So scary! Welcome to the Halloween edition of WHTH fanboys and ghouls! In the spirit of the season, I thought that I would talk a little bit about comic…