Tag eBay


In last week’s post I wrote about CGC having way less comic book submissions and questioned how they were handling it financially. This week I’d like to turn the same question towards the comic book auction houses. The big players…

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Check Up

It was over a year ago: I remember bugging CGC to extend the amount of time they leave their invoice numbers available to be referenced by submission accounts like mine. I think in the old days those invoices were available…

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The Kitchen

Here’s the kitchenette at the new warehouse. I’m hoping soon to stock it with stuff like bread, cheese, jams and peanut butter. For now, all that booze will have to carry us through. I’ll probably have to hide those bottles…

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Office Hours

For some reason my mind wanders to those old Private Eye movies where the stencil guy is putting up the gumshoes name on the door to the office. “Jay and Walt – listers for hire”, doesn’t quite have that ring…

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There were a couple of one day comic cons happening yesterday and I was getting sporadic reports. One show was in Ottawa and another in Toronto. According to the reports coming in the shows were similar in these ways: bins…

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Coffee Run

My morning routine is to hit the drive through on my way to work. I grab a large black coffee and then struggle drinking for the next 10 minutes as I navigate the bumps, turns, starts and stops all the…

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A few years back I started posting about my new warehouse full of comics. I had just bought close to 2,000 long boxes of comics and was giving updates on stuff I was digging out of the collection. I recall…

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It doesn’t have the same ring to it when it’s “with leave” but I went with it anyway. I’m up in Blue Mountain for a week and then I’m off to Europe for 3 weeks so please forgive the brief…

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Uncle Ron

My pal Ron Hobbs popped in for another visit this past weekend, it’s to the point now where I won’t let Ron in unless he brings me something special to touch, to hold to feel. It’s a small price to…

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