Tag eBay


December already? Time really does fly by, this year was a blur. As quickly as the last 11 months sped by December will be a blink, this is the month of office parties, friends gatherings, family gatherings, sorties to the…

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We’ve been so busy with our eBay auctions lately, our consignment base is growing as is the need to put up more lots per week. I’m finding the lot mix is improving too so lets try to keep this things…

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Staying Calm

Lets all stay calm, there’s plenty of time left to make this thing happen without anybody pulling a muscle or getting their feelings hurt. That small room I was loading up is almost plugged, I’ve crammed in 16 towers, around…

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A Reprieve

Big news on the warehouse front. Last week I signed a lease for one more year at our warehouse location, so same warehouse location without the actual warehouse. What we get to keep are the two big upstairs offices and…

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Fall Guy

I’m a summer guy, love the heat, but this year I’ve decided to embrace Fall, I’ll enjoy the changing colors of the leaves then revel at them falling off the trees during those cold rainy November days, then I’ll absolutely…

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Sunny Boy

I’m not sure if this is a good sign or a bad one but lately I’ve been getting outbid on my poverty bids on sites like Heritage and ComicLink, back in February and March I was winning those poverty bids.…

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Rock Star

I thought only rock stars set up in front of sold out venues, in different towns, weekend after weekend, turns out I was wrong. I have a pal that just called me to report that he did great at the…

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I should have went to Fan Expo, I told myself I’d go but somehow weaseled out at the last minute. I hope everyone that went enjoyed the show, Chris Owen went Friday, said the show was packed with people, said…

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I had fun following the Olympics, they shine a light on so many cool sports that seem to matter all of a sudden, but then, unfortunately, all but disappear until the next Olympics. The ping pong highlights were insane as…

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