Tag Doctor Doom

Prototype Issues

One of my favourite genres of comic collecting is the Atlas/Marvel pre-super-hero monster books from the 1950’s and early 1960’s. They featured a lot of Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko artwork. The stories were simple, fun, and entertaining. The litany…

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Marvel 1960s Annuals: Part One, Fantastic Four

One of my personal favourite genres of comic books that I like to collect is the big square bound super-hero annuals. Twice the size and price of a regular comic, these books only came out once a year and were packed with pin-ups, some classic reprints, and usually a crackling good original story. The original stories quite often took place outside the current storylines taking place in the title, but had a place in the character or groups long term continuity. There were surprisingly few made – I count 18 in the sixties and some characters and groups had none at all. I did not include war, romance, westerns, or re-print annuals in this first series but may get to them at a later date.

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Beep Beep & Beep Beep Yeah!

Now my Mom and Dad knew I had ordered some comics by mail order and weren't too pleased about it. They thought I spent $20, when in actuality I had spent $200 or so in US funds.

The package was about 10 inches high and had been strapped together between cardboard and wrapped again in brown wrapping paper. The corners were somewhat torn and slightly blunted but the contents were intact.

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