Tag Diamond

July 2017 Previews

Diamond has updated Previews World with the July 2017 catalog. Scouring the full list this month shows no new Artist’s Edition format books. For complete details and daily updates visit our AE Index. This is the first month in quite some…

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March 2017 Sales Numbers

Diamond released their March 2017 sales numbers over the weekend and ICv2 has extrapolated those and determined actual unit sales: Top 300 Comics Actual and Top 300 Graphic Novels Actual. These numbers are for Diamond’s direct sales in North America only and don’t include…

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Marvel Previews finally free digitally

Beginning with the November 2013 issue Marvel Previews will be free for all in its digital form. Since it's a catalog that only makes sense, but Diamond has been charging all of us for years to see what's coming out soon by way its Diamond Previews magazine. A few years ago Marvel left Diamond Previews and began publishing its own glossy catalog but continued the practice of charging for it, which will still be the case for the print format.

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Retailer Q | #6: Halloween FCBD

Welcome to Retailer Q, spinning 52Q’s format at top Canadian comic retailers. Comic Book Daily asks the question and our retail friends give their perspective.
Diamond discussed at NYCC this year the possibility of a second Free Comic Book Day event in 2012 for Halloween. Can the comic industry, and more specifically comic retailers, support and maintain a successful second FCBD-like event?

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